> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elmer L. Fairbank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:23 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Official Church Doctrine #1
> At 10:23 PM 11/5/2003 -0500, Uncle Ron wrote:
> >Mormons talk too much, I think.
> Ayup!
> Till the wordy  (BTW, for some of you, that's down-east for yes)

And, while the meaning of "ayup" or "ayah" (said while sucking gobs of air
down the throat) may be obvious to those familiar with St. Gharrgian (the
dialect spoken in the towns south of Cedar), it is the easiest to understand
word in the lexicon of true Downeasters (people living east-northeast of
Bangor, Maine).

Whilst a missionary I taught a older fellow (I guess he was about as old as
I am now, sigh) from way downeast. Frank Carkin.  Quite poor, shabby
clothes, gnarly hands, missing teeth, poorer than anyone I'd encountered
previously.  He was, as we said at the time, "golden." And, though he
understood us perfectly, his spoken words confounded us ( I worried that I
was going deaf, or my synapses were misfiring, or that we'd need to gind a
translator-- I kid you not).

But his spirit did not: he prayed openly and passionately at the close of
the first discussion; had read half the Book of Mormon BEFORE we returned
the next night to teach him about it (2nd discussion).  And, when he was
baptized a few weeks later, he showed up dragging, literally, a gunnysack
full of coins he'd been putting aside as "tithing" over the course of the
past year.  It was something.  I was awed by him then and I am again
recalling his face, his faith, his humility.

While refreshing my memory of Brother Carkin, I also came across this entry
in my missionary journal, written around the time we taught him and a couple
of families, all of which were baptized: "I wish I had as much faith as some
of the people we are teaching.  It really makes me feel guilty because I'm
the teacher, the one who should have the most faith of all, but yet I don't.
I'll continue to work on it." Interesting, revealing observation -- to me,
at least.

Ron Scott

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