Welcome back, Rusty!  I'm sure that teaching seminary for 4 years was an
amazing experience.  It's good to see you on this list again.

Heidi the fair

> **************
> For those of you who are long-time Zion members, you may remember me -
> Rusty Taylor.  I've been on John's lists off and on since the beginning...
> anyone else remember the awesome cyber-food fights we had?  Well, I've
> teaching Seminary for the last 4 years and didn't have time to do that and
> be on this list.  Now, I'm done for a while.  I need a break.  Our oldest
> son has left on his mission and our younger son will be a senior in high
> school this year.  I want to spend more time with him before he goes on
> mission.
> For those of you who don't know me - I joined the Church at 16 with my
> parents and younger 2 sisters (an older brother was away at college at the
> time and has never joined).  We were baptized at the Joseph Smith Memorial
> in Sharon, VT.  I went to school at BYU and went on a mission to Sapporo,
> Japan.  Then I met my husband, Bob - we got married, moved to Alaska and
> ended up in Kotzebue.  That's where we met John and Esperanza.  After 6
> years and adopting our sons, we moved back to the lower 48, and have lived
> on the Kitsap Peninsula (across the Puget Sound from Seattle) ever since.
> I work for the local school district.  I don't have a Church calling at
> moment.
> I'm looking forward to being part of "Zion", again.  Yoroshiku onegai
> itashimasu!
> Sis. Rusty
> >Persecution against the Saints does not have to assume the same form as
> >those overt violent acts against the Church in the Nauvoo period.  Even
> >more hateful and vindictive injustice was weighed against the Church
> >after it was established in the Rocky Mountains.  The extent of the
> >bureacratic and legalistic punishment of the Church by the US Government
> >during that period is difficult to fathom.  Such predations could easily
> >be revisited in the near future.  It seems that all the motivation
> >required during the earlier period of anti-Mormon aggression was the
> >manipulation of public sentiment by powerful people in high places.  Are
> >people any more sophisticated today?
> **********************************************************************
>    "There are no coincidences, only small miracles." Author Unknown
>                   Mrs. Rusty Taylor - Poulsbo, WA
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
>          website -- http://pacific.telebyte.com/~brtaylor/
> **********************************************************************
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///

///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
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