Re: [ZION] Blessed

2002-10-27 Thread Marc A. Schindler
We're thankful this evening that the Washington snipers have been caught, and
that the Chechen terrorists have been routed from the Moscow opera house with
minimal loss of life. As bad as it was, it could have been worse.

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> My friends,
> I fervently pray that the Lord might generously bless all those who
> suffer or are sorely afflicted.  May their souls be salved with healing
> and relief.
> As for myself, I reiterate my own marvel--every Sunday, the doors of the
> church do not of themselves swing shut, at my very approach.  The Lord
> is good to all, even when we merit punishment and stripes.
> I'm grateful beyond my capacity to express, just to share the privilege
> of calling myself a "disciple".  Anything beyond that is a richness of
> undeserved blessings.
> ---
> Mij Ebaboc
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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[ZION] Blessed

2002-10-27 Thread Jim Cobabe

My friends,

I fervently pray that the Lord might generously bless all those who 
suffer or are sorely afflicted.  May their souls be salved with healing 
and relief.

As for myself, I reiterate my own marvel--every Sunday, the doors of the 
church do not of themselves swing shut, at my very approach.  The Lord 
is good to all, even when we merit punishment and stripes.

I'm grateful beyond my capacity to express, just to share the privilege 
of calling myself a "disciple".  Anything beyond that is a richness of 
undeserved blessings.

Mij Ebaboc 

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[ZION] Blessed are the peacemakers

2002-10-21 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I was personally impressed by a sister's notes taken on Elder Nelson's
talk, which she turned into a RS visiting teacher's message, so I
thought I'd share it with Zion-L, with her permission, of course. Sister
Meijerink-Sensor is originally from the U.S. but married a Dutchman and
moved to the Netherlands where she now resides, so she has kind of a
foot in both worlds. This isn't meant to be an argumentative message,
just a contemplative one.

A conference talk by the Apostle Elder Russell M. Nelson

Studied and annotated for use as a Relief Society Visiting Teaching

JanaLynn H. Meijerink-Sensor  October 2002

Much has been printed about Elder Nelson’s talk entitled above  by the
media of the United States in the days following the General
Conference.  It was labeled as anti-war.  It was called the Church’s
standpoint.  It was rebutted and clarified. Indeed, at first glance, one
could put that anti-war stamp on it.  Careful reading would bring you to
a pro-peace opinion.  A study of Elder Nelsons words uncovers the full
message:  Saints, get your focus tightly fixed upon the Kingdom of God.

As an Apostle of an international church Elder Nelson addresses a far
greater menace than earthly madmen and dictators. “Peace is a priority
that pleads for our pursuit,” is the subtopic of the talk.  As we LDS
study these words knowing the correct principles and pondering the
footnoted scriptures that support the message  we are given  a template
to follow in that pursuit  even, regrettably, to armed defense. The
message is clear:   peace is to be built and made by those that follow
the commandments and no other.

We can say these are the latter-days, but since we know not the hour or
day of His coming, which latter day it is could be today or not.  Thus
we have to be in a state of readiness and preparedness always.  Now is
not too soon or too late to begin.  It could be that we will be judged
upon our peacemaking efforts.

Peace versus Contention

This is a telling sub title.  Most of us struggle not with war but with
contention for peace in our lives.  Contention can build.  The
scriptures in the footnotes describe a world state mirroring our
present.  History continues to repeat itself, perhaps because in our
fallen state we are so slow to learn and to apply a divine precept or
two.  So involved are we here below that we forget to look upwards. Even
as we struggle through our earthly travails we have a promise from
Doctrine and Covenants 45:

 35 And I said unto them: Be not atroubled•, for, when all these things
shall come to pass, ye may know that the promises which have been made
unto you shall be fulfilled.

Yes, we are fallen folks and do not see the present  situations clearly.
Some of the challenges we face are step stones to glory and some, often
that we make ourselves, are stones we trip on as we fumble  without
God’s Light. There are diverse Scriptural pre-cursors  listed by Elder
Nelson:  secret combinations, brother against brother, Cain and Abel,
Esau and Jacob, Joseph and his brothers.

All fueled by jealousy and perceived inequalities and different
perspectives  The footnotes direct us to Proverbs 29 which addresses the
intent of the heart, vision, discipline,  and contention. Only if we
have righteous direction will we enjoy peace.   We are introduced to the
rock upon which this talk is based: Keep the Commandments.

Doctrinal Direction

Conversion, that mighty change of heart, is paramount to magnify
properly our calling upon the earth.  A strong testimony is not enough.
“Self-determination to live on a loftier level” takes great strength and
a tight focus upon the Kingdom of God.  Only this brings the contentment
and joy which we are promised by the Father and His Son.

We as Saints must be so concentrated on the right.  We are not left
clueless for this challenge. Doctrine and Covenants 59 gives us an
appropriate template by which we can pattern our lives and earn even on
this earth
contentment ant peace.

Elder Nelson repeats the Golden Rule; refers to the Law and the
Prophets. We are reminded that the path to the way of God is narrow.  We
are as Saints expected to live even higher than the Golden Rule and
adhere to a higher law
  The time of Mosaic Law is over.  Christ’s atonement should have been
the last blood shed for atonement.  Instead of maiming each other in the
Name of God, we are to minister to each other in humility and respect.
For the
worth of souls is great in the eye of God.

We are bidden to seek reconciliation,  we are forbidden to hold grudges.

We should guard against provocation; we should have charity.  Charity
casts out fear and guides the Saint.   We are asked to suspend judgment
and follow Christ’s example.  Only God can judge the work of man rightly
and prudently.

Here in Mosiah chapter 4 is what we should be anxiously engaged upon:

 14 And ye will not suffer your achildren• that they go hungry, or
naked; neither will ye bsuffer• that they transgress the l