Re: [ZION] Gratitude

2002-10-15 Thread Marc A. Schindler

I have a quote, too, although not from an LDS source. But yesterday's op-ed column by 
John Ibbitson was, I thought, very thought-provoking. I do the ward bulletin, and 
picked an illustration of "Praying Hands" by Albrecht Dürer (1508 AD), with an excerpt 
from our opening hymn on top: "Come, ye thankful people, come; raise the song of 
harvest home..."

Here's Ibbitson's column, which I recommend for all Canadians, although it also 
applies in most respects to the US as well -- to any part of Zion, for that matter. 
The 9th paragraph especially contains a real gem of wisdom, imho.

 Thanksgiving glory: The system works

 By JOHN IBBITSON Monday, October 14, 2002 – Print Edition, Page A13

 We should make Thanksgiving a bigger holiday than Christmas, partly because the 
weather is finer, partly because pumpkin pie tastes so much better than plum pudding, 
and partly because the cultural sensitivities of celebrating the arrival of the Christ 
are so delicate that we have largely abandoned the season's religious rituals, 
contenting ourselves with blowing a month's pay on gifts nobody wanted.

 But Thanksgiving, now there's a holiday. It celebrates the hope of reconciliation 
among peoples (even if that first hope, between the First Nations and the Europeans, 
remains unfulfilled); it reminds us that, even in the age of Internet spam and melting 
stocks, we are a settler people tied to the land; it teaches that, whatever the 
troubles of the day, we are fortunate to be living in this place at this time and, 
before we do or say anything else, we should give thanks.

 In that spirit, let's put aside the tribulations of these times, and bless our good 
fortune as Canadians to be living in perhaps the freest and finest political community 
ever created by humankind.

 Hypocrisy, you might contend, since this column so often laments the dysfunction 
between the federal and provincial powers, the institutionalization of single-party 
rule, and the chronic failure of government to produce timely, effective solutions to 
emerging problems before they degenerate into crises.

 All of these problems exist, but in the other 51 weeks of the year we are liable to 
forget that they reflect underlying strengths of our political system, as well as 
surface weaknesses.

 The federal and provincial powers conflict because we have not chosen to resolve the 
tension between regional and national interests through civil war or dissolution. 
Instead, we search for accommodation. Through that process, we have created a society 
of enormous diversity and remarkable consensus.

 Certainly, we value stability. Albertans have elected conservatives of one stripe or 
another in every election since 1935. Conservatives have governed Ontario for 49 of 
the past 59 years. Liberals were in power in Ottawa for 71 per cent of the 20th 
century. Only in those parts of the country where internal consensus is difficult to 
achieve (such as Quebec and British Columbia) or where the major parties are virtually 
identical in outlook (such as in Atlantic Canada) do parties regularly rotate in 

 But whatever the risk of institutionalized corruption posed by our excess of 
political caution, one-party dominance also reflects the truth that Canadians are 
virtually unanimous in their shared political values. We seek to blend the liberal 
individualism of the United States with the communitarianism of Europe. We support an 
activist state that ameliorates disparities while leaving private enterprise 
unfettered. We respect the other fellow's point of view, but abhor jingoism. The 
louder you argue, the less a Canadian listens.

 Our governments move slowly because we have agreed among ourselves not to proceed on 
issues of major importance until we have agreed among ourselves. Historians have 
argued that democracies always lose the first battles against totalitarians, but 
always win the wars. This is because democracies cannot act until consensus has been 
achieved; but once achieved, that consensus is implacable.

 Finally, the Canadian system has found ways of keeping governments in check other 
than by replacing them. The media are among the best educated and most critical in the 
world. Interest groups proliferate, dissidents abound. I have never seen a government 
successfully impose a major policy contrary to the popular will without being defeated 
in the next election. The system works.

 One of the glories of Western civilization is that it institutionalizes criticism. 
Not only do we tolerate dissent, we entrench it. Parliament is built around it, the 
courts are defined by it, we support newspapers and broadcast media devoted to it; we 
encourage it among ourselves in lunchroom debates. Despite the potentially dangerous 
lethargy of our political system, ideas get aired, conduct is scrutinized, misdeeds 
exposed and punished. The system works.

 Some people say they prefer Canada to the United States or Europe, or even the 

[ZION] Gratitude

2002-10-15 Thread Mark Gregson

I had a good Thanksgiving Day yesterday.  I feel very grateful for this land of 
freedom and plenty I enjoy.  I am grateful for my family and all the experiences it 
brings; the joys, the education, the strivings, the prayers, the opportunities, the 

Elder Haight said in the recent conference:

"It's so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and 
have things happen in our lives that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and 
bring the Spirit into our lives. But we sometimes take them for granted. How grateful 
we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts 
and souls. I would remind all of you that if we're ever going to show gratitude 
properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do it with all of our heart, might, mind, 
and strength?because it was He who gave us life and breath." 

=  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

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