> FWIW, this is exactly how I remember it, too. She also made a
> public snit about how her 12-year old daughter wasn't allowed
> to pass the sacrament. As I recall, her marriage broke up again
> and she declared she'd been a lesbian all along. Bit of a wacko.
> Wonder whatever happened to her?

As far as I am concerned, Sonia Johnson is living proof of the 
inspiration in the Church. Since her excommunication (supposedly for 
supporting the ERA -- uh huh), she has shown her true roots as an 
ultra-radical man-hating feminist in the purest tradition of Andrea 
Dworkin. I am sorry for her ex-husband, moreso for her children 
(especially her son), and even for her -- but I am not sorry she can no 
longer appropriately be called a Mormon.


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