Ah - the joy of levels of meaning in a parable about grout, grains of 
sand and glue.

Sonnet III
by Tom Matkin - July 19, 2001

When setting tile and filling in the grout 
To wipe away each extra grain of sand
And clean inevitable messes out
I always keep a dampish rag on hand.
I've found that there is need to be in haste
To clean the imperfections that adhere
Lest they should set and ever after waste
By showing smudges where it should be clear.

Because when working in the dust and glue
There is no end to ways the sticky stuff
Can build up on the tiles and on you
And make what you want smooth back into rough.

The only hope for me to keep my tiling nice
Is in this good advice: Slop once. Clean twice.


"I just pretend I'm a princess, and that I could summarily have her 
executed at any time according to my own pleasure.  It gives me great 
comfort!" (The Little Princess)

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