RE: [ZION] Steve Farrell on the Marriage Amendment

2004-03-06 Thread RB Scott

>-Original Message-
>From: Steven Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 2:12 PM
>Subject: RE: [ZION] Steve Farrell on the Marriage Amendment
>At 10:54 AM 3/6/2004, you wrote:
>>Who is Steve Farrell and, if it's not obvious, why
>should I  pay
>>attention to what he writes?
>Steve Farrell is a bloke who lives in Henderson Nevada
>(soon to be moving
>to Preston Idaho however), who is an independent
>journalist who writes for
>both Meridian Magazine and Newsmax among others. Seems
>as if he has also
>joined "Defend Marriage" as their Press Secretary. I
>suppose you don't
>*have* to pay *any* attention to what he writes.<

I'm familiar with Meridian, but not Newsmax.  Is it another front
for far-right Mormon opinions? Sounds like he's ceased to be a
journalist, at least for the time being (assuming that he ever
was one).


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RE: [ZION] Steve Farrell on the Marriage Amendment

2004-03-06 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 10:54 AM 3/6/2004, you wrote:
Who is Steve Farrell and, if it's not obvious, why should I  pay
attention to what he writes?
Steve Farrell is a bloke who lives in Henderson Nevada (soon to be moving 
to Preston Idaho however), who is an independent journalist who writes for 
both Meridian Magazine and Newsmax among others. Seems as if he has also 
joined "Defend Marriage" as their Press Secretary. I suppose you don't 
*have* to pay *any* attention to what he writes.

Steven Montgomery
Senior Editor, The Constitutional Banner Newsletter
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RE: [ZION] Steve Farrell on the Marriage Amendment

2004-03-06 Thread RB Scott
Who is Steve Farrell and, if it's not obvious, why should I  pay
attention to what he writes?


>-Original Message-
>From: Steven Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 3:13 PM
>Subject: [ZION] Steve Farrell on the Marriage Amendment
>Many of you know that Steve Farrell and I are best
>friends. Best friends or
>not, we are somewhat divided over whether or not an
>amendment is the best
>way to defend traditional marriages. While Steve is in
>favor of a Marriage
>Amendment, I am in favor or protecting traditional
>marriages by limiting
>the jurisdiction of Federal Courts. Anyway, in the
>interest of balance
>, here is Steve Farrell's latest, taken from
>Marriage & the Constitution: Time for an Amendment?
> Steve Farrell
> Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004
>Do we need to amend the Constitution to defend the age
>old tradition of
>marriage? Professor Richard Wilkins, former Assistant
>to the Solicitor
>General of the United States, and the founder and
>managing director of
>Defend Marriage (a project of United Families
>International), believes so.
>A little over a week ago, he asked me to join Defend
>Marriage as their
>press director. I accepted; and why not? Is there a
>more vital cause? The
>traditional family is the transmission belt of the
>values of a free
>society. You know this. I know this. Our enemies know this.
>Destroy the family, and a nation is ripe for
>revolution. Let's not mince
>words. The family is key; and there are forces that
>would like to take the
>traditional family out, forever.
>We can't let them.
>Despite the settled belief that this is true, however,
>Wilkins notes, many
>are confused as to why the federal constitution needs
>to be amended to save
>marriage. "Isn't this an issue for the states?" they
>ask. "Won't this
>diminish the 'sacred nature' of the Constitution?"
>others wonder.
> "These are substantial concerns," he says.
>"However, these very
>concerns – rather than suggesting that we 'leave the
>Constitution alone' –
>now impose upon the people a duty to provide a
>constitutional definition
>for marriage.
> Unless the people clearly establish the
>constitutional meaning of
>marriage, the judges will do it for us – and, in the
>process, erode the
>very idea of a written Constitution, expand judicial
>power and upset the
>vital balance of power established by the Framers of
>the United States
>Good points. Professor Wilkins suggests we consider the
># Although it appears the Constitution was written to
>leave questions like
>marriage to the states, this has not stopped federal
>courts from intruding
>where the Constitution gives them no license to tread.
>The United States
>Supreme Court has decreed that states can not 'demean'
>any adult consensual
>sexual relationship.
>Lawrence v. Texas. This new rule – nowhere supported by
>the text of the
>Constitution nor by the history, traditions or
>practices of the American
>people – will shortly require all states in the nation
>to recognize any and
>all consensual sexual relationships as 'marriage.'
>The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, in mandating
>'marriage,' merely applied the reasoning of the U.S.
>Supreme Court to its
>state constitution. The Mayor of San Francisco, in
>unilaterally issuing
>marriage licenses contrary to controlling California
>law, similarly relied
>upon the reasoning of Lawrence to defend the legality
>of his actions.
># Therefore, whatever the Constitution once provided,
>all rules related to
>marriage have now been subsumed by a 'constitutional
>analysis' previously
>unknown to the law. State legislatures, and the people
>they represent, no
>longer control the meaning of marriage or the hundreds
>and thousands of
>legal rules associated with marriage.
>All such questions, henceforth, will be governed by
>decisions of state and
>federal courts. And, in light of the expansive
>'constitutional analysis'
>adopted in Lawrence, those decisions will not be guided
>by either the words
>of the Constitution nor the traditions, history and
>actual practices of the
>American people. .
>"In light of the foregoing, anyone concerned about
>preserving the structure
>and content of the American Constitution should
>understand why the words
>'marriage' and 'constitutional amendment' need to be
>linked, to save the
>social viability of marriage, and integrity of the
>Constitution itself."
>He makes good sense. He continues:
>1. "A Constitutional amendment will restore the crucial
>understanding that
>American government operates under a written Constitution.
>"As Chief Justice John Marshall noted in the famous
>decision of Marbury v.
>Madison in 1803, America is governed by 'a written
>constitution' and the
>framers of the constitution contemplated that
>instrument as a rule for the
>government of court

Re: [ZION] Steve Farrell on the Marriage Amendment

2004-03-05 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 01:13 PM 3/5/2004, you wrote:
Many of you know that Steve Farrell and I are best friends. Best friends 
or not, we are somewhat divided over whether or not an amendment is the 
best way to defend traditional marriages. While Steve is in favor of a 
Marriage Amendment, I am in favor or protecting traditional marriages by 
limiting the jurisdiction of Federal Courts. Anyway, in the interest of 
balance , here is Steve Farrell's latest, taken from
Oops. Strip that last colon off the URL. It should be this:

Steven Montgomery
 "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any 
book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer 
to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book."  (History of 
the Church, Vol. 4, page 461)

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