I hadn't thought about sugar free cold medicines. Well, gee, thanks. I have a lot to learn. I already know where to order the special kind of strips I need and the special lancet holders, etc. I have a talking glucometer so I guess I don't need advice about that either. No, I'm looking mostly for the fun stuff, what I do about birthdays and the like.


At 05:27 PM 09/30/2003 -0400, you wrote:

Stacy (don't anyone else look, y'hear?) asked where to find more diabetic
products.  Well if you believe the deputy sheriff from Brigham City, a
place called Liberty will deliever diabetic supplies right to your door.

For the rest of us, it's one of the first things I do when we move to a
new town:  check out what's available for diabetics.  For the basics
(glucose tablets, sugar-free cold medicines, skin lotion) the Reli-On
products at Wal-Mart are great - and inexpensive.  I cannot recommend
their body wash more highly.  Wal-Mart also carries the best "healing
lotion" for diabetics I've found:  Neoteric's Advanced Healing Cream.
All the above is with the meters and test strips near the pharmacy in
every Wal-Mart that exists.

As for the not-so-basics, I guess it depends on what you're looking for.
CVS pharmacies carry (or can order) teflon-woven socks which really help
on foot maintenance.  I always call up the local diabetic section of the
closest hospital and find out what there is in the way of a local support
group.  And I always - ALWAYS - try to find a Safeway or a Wal-Mart
Supercenter because those are the only two groceries which carry the
world's best sugar-free ice cream (Blue Bunnie -- especially their
sugar-free drumsticks).

Your doctor or her staff ought to be able to point you towards some other
helps.  And I highly recommend logging onto Rick Mendosa's website
(www.mendosa.com) for his monthly magazine Diabetes Update.  Rick is the
most prolific writer on diabetes out there, and usually has news and
reviews of new products and developments before ADA's magazine does.

Best of luck!

(OK - the rest of you can peek now.)

 "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:01:07 -0500 Stacy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I want to know more about how to get more diabetic products because I > can't > find them in my local supermarket. > > Stacy.

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