But we do some excommunications.


\At 05:47 AM 12/06/2002 +0000, you wrote:

At this time, the truth on the guilty should not be told openly, strange
as this may seem, yet this is a policy. We must use precaution in
bringing sinners to justice, lest in exposing these heinous sins we draw
the indignation of a Gentile world upon us (and, to their imagination,
justly too). It is necessary to hold an influence in the world, and thus
spare ourselves an extermination; and also accomplish our end in
spreading the Gospel, or holiness, in the earth. If we were brought to
desolation, the disobedient would find no help. There are some who are
obedient, yet men cannot steady the ark—my arm cannot do it—God must
steady it. To the iniquitous show yourselves merciful.

 I am advised by some of the heads of the Church to tell the Relief
Society to be virtuous, but to save the Church from desolation and the
sword; beware, be still, be prudent, repent, reform, but do it in a way
not to destroy all around you. I do not want to cloak iniquity—all
things contrary to the will of God, should be cast from us, but don't do
more hurt than good, with your tongues—be pure in heart. Jesus designs
to save the people out of their sins. Said Jesus, "Ye shall do the work,
which ye see me do." These are the grand key-words for the society to
act upon. If I were not in your midst to aid and counsel you, the devil
would overcome you. I want the innocent to go free—rather spare ten
iniquitous among you, than condemn one innocent one. "Fret not thyself
because of evildoers." God will see to it. (May 26, 1842.)

—DHC 5:19-21.

(Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected and
arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co.,
1976], 239.)

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