I do know that Joseph Smith said the Old Testament apocrypha had been apparently translated incorrectly but not terribly, and if we wished we could read that, if I even remember that. The New Testament apocryphal writings have never been commented on by the church leaders, to my knowledge, which doesn't amount to much, considering I have been in the church six years and there are many who grew up in the church on this list, I'm sure.


At 05:38 PM 11/16/2003 -0900, you wrote:

I am reading an article by Robert J. Matthews collected by Wilfred Griggs in his title APOCRYPHAL WRITINGS AND THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS. In his article, Matthews says that "our present Old and New Testament canon, being selected in times of apostasy, is no doubt quite incomplete."

Have LDS scholars ever suggested apocryphal or pseudepigraphal books that should have been included in the Biblical canon? What about additional portions of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch some of which is found in Moses 6 and 7 in our Pearl of Great Price? Obviously, nothing can be included in our canon without divine commandment, and the sustaining vote of the General Conference, but candidates for such treatment ought to be a more interesting part of the apocrypha than much of the rest of it, wouldn't you think? I'm just wondering what are some of the most obvious omissions from the Old and New Testaments?

John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED] =========================================== "While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly, soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003) =========================================== All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at /// /// http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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