I haven't been keeping up on this issue and would like to refresh my mind on the issue before I call. If out of state votes can count, I'll lend my support, but send me the article privately at my address again because I've forgotten about the issue.

Thank you.

Stacy Smith, Pasadena, CA

At 02:39 PM 12/13/2002 +0000, you wrote:

  Messages Messages Help
 From: "Rob Hanks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:12 AM
Subject: RE: can Calif. lds help?

> I appreciate your concern and support to the Main Street Plaza Issue. As
> of yet, we didn't see the need to seek out involvement of people from
> out
> of state. There's however, one thing that you can do to express your
> support to the church's position.
> Below is the email we've been passing around since yesterday, Dec. 05.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------
> From Rob Hanks, Sent on 12/05/02
> I've just learned that there is a phone number we can call to make our
> wishes known to the City Council on the Main Street conflict. The number
> is (801) 535-7600. At the prompt, select 1 if you are in favor of the
> retaining easement; select 2 if you are in favor of the City turning
> over
> easement to the LDS Church.
> As of yesterday 3000 votes had been cast in favor of retaining easement,
> and only 300 votes had been cast in favor of turning over the easement.
> Because this number hasn't been widely circulated, it almost looks like
> it
> has been done on purpose so the Church won't get enough votes.
> Today, I just made the call myself, and the option 2 mailbox is full.
> Select "0" and speak to a live person. The lady I spoke with told me as
> of
> today they can't keep the option 2 mailbox empty!
> Keep trying if you don't get through at first. Often the mailbox is
> full.
> You can also email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax your comments
> to
> 535-7651.
> I would encourage you to call and voice your opinion. Even if you don't
> live in Salt Lake City you can express your opinion.
> Pass this on to as many people as you can.
> --
> Rob Hanks

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