Thanks for the clarification. We have similar political problems with teachers. I
actually have no problem with teachers forming unions, if they want to. But I kind
of find it odd that they consider themselves "professionals" yet still have
unions. It reminds me of Quebec, where ingénieurs (engineers) all belong to a
union. Mind you, at least Quebec has spawned a rather unique tradition in the rest
of the country. Back in the early part of the 20th century some time (I have no
idea when, without looking it up), a big steel bridge was built across a gorge (I
think it was the Saguenay River, north of Montreal, but again, am not exactly
sure). The bridge collapsed after it was built, killing a number of people who
were driving on it at the time.

Ever since then, when an engineer in Canada graduates with a B.Eng. or a B.Sc. in
Engineering, and works in the field for one year, they become eligible to join
their provincial engineering association. At this time they are allowed to put
P.Eng. (Professional Engineer; or in Quebec, I.Pro.) after their name. As a token
of the swearing-in ceremony they are given a stainless steel ring to wear around
their right little finger. It's to remind them how serious their profession is;
lives are literally at stake. So if you ever see a Canadian with the telltale thin
steel band around their pinky, you know they're an engineer. In fact, Microsoft
Canada used to call their sales people "sales engineers," but the national
umbrella body (ARPEGGA, I think it's called, but can't remember what that stands
for) convinced Microsoft to change the title. I think they are called "account
managers" or something like that now (which is more accurate anyway).

And of course, thanks to the AMA (in our case that means the Alberta Medical
Association) you could say even doctors are unionized.

Jon Spencer wrote:

> The NEA is the teachers' Union, the National Education Association.  The NEA
> used to be a great organization many moons ago, but has since become very
> political and agenda driven.
> And it's good that SOMEONE can brag about their schools.  It's a pretty hard
> thing to do here about our public schools.  However, some private and
> parochial schools, as well as a few public and charter schools (like the one
> my 16 year old goes to) do very well indeed.
> Jon
> Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> Sorry, that went over my head. Who's the NEA?  (BTW, I know that original
> post
> could be taken to be nationalist bragging, but it was meant more to provide
> ammunition to those who are for, in your case, state-wide exams, and making
> school
> administrators more accountable for the performance of their students. As I
> said,
> we should have done even better).
> Jon Spencer wrote:
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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