Hi Folks,

This is from Sarah Gross, who also wanted me to let you know about the
Jewish-Israeli film festival.  The film festival info can be found at
www.pjiff.net.  The opening (2/27), which includes dessert and kosher
wine, will be $15 for students.


National Jewish Leadership Conference

Every year around this time you get information from the UJF about a
national leadership conference which takes place somewhere around the
country for 25-45 year olds. This year we are happy to be able to invite
you to stay home.

There's still a conference with close to 1,000 young Jewish adults
happening. But it's happening here - in Pittsburgh. That's right, we
competed against New York and Atlanta to host the conference and won out
over them. We will be hosting the UJC National Young Leadership Eastern
Conference from March 21-23, 2003. Communities east of the Mississippi
will be joining us for a weekend of learning and fun.

We would love to have you join us for the weekend. There will be no
better way to show off our city and our Jewish community than to have
hundreds of young Pittsburghers take part in what is annually one of the
Jewish communities finest conferences.

In order to encourage participation, the UJF is offering a subsidy for
any Pittsburgher who attends the conference. We will be offering a $145
per person subsidy which should make it much easier for folks to join

In return for the subsidy, we require each individual to make a minimum
$100 commitment to the 2003 Annual Community Campaign and attend an
agency visit. (The UJF supports nine beneficiary social service agencies
and schools in the Pittsburgh area. We will set up several opportunities
to visit a number of these agencies where you will be able to find out
about the populations they serve, the work they do, and how you can
volunteer with them, should you choose. These visits will be set up for
February and March and there will be several to choose from.)

Registration for the conference is available on-line through our website
- www.ujf.net.  Click on the Regional Conference button to obtain
information on the conference hotel (the Omni William Penn) and to
register and pay. A subsidy code is necessary in order to receive the
discounted registration price. Please be aware that the subsidy can only
be given at the initial time of registration and that by entering the
subsidy code you are agreeing to both the minimum commitment and the
agency visit. Pittsburgh's subsidy code is 01202.

If you would like more information or have questions, you can either
contact Brian Herstig (412.992.5231 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Marla Werner
(412.992.5232 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at the UJF. We will be setting up some
small group meetings after the first of the year for individuals who
would like additional details and information. If you would like to
attend one of these meetings, which will occur throughout the city,
please let Brian know.

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