I think that some kind of a campus response is in order.



The destruction of Joseph's Tomb of the past two weeks is now "official."
Prime Minister Sharon and Defense Minister Mofaz confirmed at this morning's
Cabinet meeting Arutz-7's report of the end of last week: Arab vandals
entered the holy site in Shechem sometime in the past two weeks and turned
the large stone marking Joseph's grave into a pile of rubble.  The two
smaller stones on either side of the gravestone, known as Ephraim and
Menashe, were left basically intact.

Minister Natan Sharansky called upon the Foreign Ministry to publicize photos
of the destroyed site.  "If we would have razed the gravesite of one of the
founders of Islam," Sharansky said, "billions of Moslems would have taken to
the streets.  It's inconceivable that the world should not know about this
travesty."  Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Sharon said they would in
fact publicize the photos.

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