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Date: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:18 AM -0500
Subject: Opportunity for Zionist Leaders

Shalom again,

I am the National President of Hamagshimim, the University Zionist
Movement Sponsored by Hadassah. Also being a graduate of the first
Hasbara trip I would like to invite all Hasbara graduates and any of
their highly intelligent and exclusive friends to write for the new
webzine that we are creating as a project of Hamagshimim. This webzine's
goal to add some intellectual depth to the pro-Israelist movement on
campus by involving critical thought to the intifada on campus, by
comparing pro-Israelism to Zionism, by issuing wake up calls to the
American Jewish community, as well as thinking about activism that
doesn't revolve around the Intifada. The official brief is below. Again,
realizing how intelligent and connected to Zionism, Israel, and reality
hasbaranickim are I would like all of you to give it a try and send in
something for the webzine.

from the Exile,
Joshua Einstein

Webzine brief: The University Zionist Webzine will strive to be an outlet
for high level Zionist discussion in the greater Zionist community.  We
want to feature a diverse variety of student voices, as well as a better
known, featured guest columnist in every issue, to create a high bar for
this student Zionist forum.  The theme of the first Issue will be
"Reclaiming Zionism" and we would like a variety of articles on the face
of Zionism today.  Article topics should range from what it's like to be
a Zionist on campus, to debates with in the Zionist movement today,
speculations of what Zionism is, thoughts on Aliyah, and speculations on
the state of Israel. We are looking to have sections on: Campus Events,
State Side, Israel, Aliyah, Ideology, etc.  The Webzine is a project of
Hamagshimim but seeks to be a voice of the entire Zionist community in
creating a modern Zionist social critique and awakening. We welcome
submission from anyone and everyone in the Zionist community regardless
of religious of political affiliation.  Please send any articles for
submission to [EMAIL PROTECTED] are currently subscribed to
hasbara as: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to
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