Happy New Year...

A brief message...

(1) Regular ZNet updating continues as always, of course...

(2) There are some specific essays newly online I would like to draw
your attention to by Bello, Benn, and others...but, mostly...

There is a major new footnoted piece from Noam Chomsky on the logic and
meaning of the attacks on Afghanistan --
http://www.zmag.org/lakdawalalec.htm -- that is essential reading to
understand the moral and intellectual context of the war and that
provides ample evidence for those seeking to make related arguments.

(3) There are various new and more prominent links to our online
calendar, which I heartily recommend -- http://znet.protest.net/

(4) Our "Current Essays in Other Alt Media" page is recently updated --
if you haven't tried this service, give it a look...

And finally, if you will please pardon my taking a minute to promote --
it is a new year, and if you aren't yet a ZNet Sustainer, I really hope
you will at least consider becoming one. It is easy to do. 

You go to http://www.zmag.org/Commentaries/donorform.htm to read about
the program in detail, or you go straight to
https://www.zmag.org/sustainers to immediately sign up. 

You decide how often you want to donate, by what means, and in what
amount. Whatever you choose, your donations support all our operations
including Z Magazine, the Public ZNet Site, ZMI, Z Video, our on-going
efforts to create Z Radio, as well as the ZNet Sustainer Program itself.

In appreciation we send you a commentary each day, sometimes two, and
provide the hosted and moderated ZNet Sustainer Forums where you can
interact with other Sustainers and with some of our authors including
myself, Tim Wise, Cynthia Peters, Howard Zinn, and Noam Chomsky, among
others, plus the ZNet Online Sustainer Zine, with over 1,000 accumulated
nicely formatted commentaries searchable by author, topic, content,
etc., and of course including each new one daily. 

At any rate, whether you become a Sustaining Donor or not, in 2002 we
hope to continue to provide you useful reporting, analysis, vision,
strategy, and services via ZNet and our other operations.

And again, best wishes for the New Year...

Michael Albert
Z Magazine / ZNet

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