
A year ago Verso books released Parecon: Life After Capitalism. Now the
paperback is available as well.

    The Parecon book page which includes comments, reviews,
    excerpts, and some interviews and debates, is at:

Last May, after a few mailings like this, the cloth bound edition shot
to number 13 on Amazon. Yes, 13. It was an incredible performance
defying all expectations.

    Can the paperback do as well at the cloth did? 

    How high can we move up from our starting 
    position = 1,871,970th?

    And can we sustain momentum by sticking to our 
    promotional mailings sufficiently long so that parecon 
    gets serious public evaluation?

I am asking you to please consider buying and reading Parecon: Life
After Capitalism. 

Of course I think Parecon is a viable, worthy alternative to capitalism
and that the distribution of this book can help debate and advocacy. But
don't rely on my view. Instead, consider these comments from others:

Noam Chomsky, linguist, dissident, and ZNet commentator says...

    "There is enormous dissatisfaction, worldwide,
    with prevailing socioeconomic conditions and the choices
    imposed by the reigning institutions. Calls for
    change range from patchwork reform to more far-reaching
    changes. ...Participatory economics outlines in substantial 
    detail a program of radical reconstruction, presenting 
    a vision that draws from a rich tradition of thought 
    and practice of the libertarian left and popular 
    movements, but adding novel critical analysis and specific 
    ideas and modes of implementation for constructive alternatives.
    It merits close attention, debate, and action."

And here is a quote from Chomsky from 1970 that helped motivate my
unrelenting concern for vision. I hope that it will motivate you as

    "If the present wave of repression can be beaten
    back, if the left can overcome its more suicidal
    tendencies and build upon what has been accomplished in
    the past decade, then the problem of how to organize
    industrial society on truly democratic lines, with
    democratic control in the workplace and in the community,
    should become a dominant intellectual issue for those who are
    alive to the problems of contemporary society, and, as a
    mass movement develops, speculation should proceed to action."

Arundhati Roy, writer, dissident says...

    "The structure of capitalism is flawed. The motor that
    powers it cannot but vastly increase the disparity between
    the poor and the rich globally and within countries as well.
    Parecon is a brave argument for replacing that flawed
    machine and offers a much needed -- more equitable,
    democratic, participatory -- alternative economic vision."

Howard Zinn, Historian, dissident says...

    "I can't count the number of times when serious critics
    of our social system would say to me: 'Why can't we come up
    with a vision of what a good society would be like?' This is
    what Mike Albert boldly does in Parecon: Life After Capitalism,
    and the result is an imaginative, carefully reasoned description,
    persistently provocative, of how we might live free from
    economic injustice."

Cynthia Peters, writer, activist, ZNet commentator, and member of SEIU
Local 285 says...

    "As an organizer, writer, and union-based educator, there is a
    certain refrain I hear over and over again. That is,
    `Why bother struggling for social change? We can't really do
    any better than this.' Too often our reply is simply that
    `another world is possible.' But we don't say what might this
    world look like. How would we design institutions? How would
    we structure society? These are reasonable questions, and
    progressives lose credibility when we have no real answers.
    Participatory economy (parecon) offers a vision of how we
    might organize production, consumption, remuneration and
    distribution in ways that foster the values we believe in,
    such as justice and solidarity. Albert gives us what we need
    to imagine and debate what `another world' would look like.
    Albert's writing is clear, and his case for parecon has
    been fine-tuned by many years' experience writing and speaking.
    This is an important book, not just because it does economic
    vision so well and so credibly, but because it is a model for
    all the vision work that needs to be done.

>From the Italian edition's dust jacket -- the first to appear

    "After the triumph of neoliberism worldwide, many believe that
    market laws are nothing more nor less than natural laws, and that
    their luggage of injustice and unequally is an inevitable ill.
    However, the failure of historical alternatives to capitalism
    does not rule out the possibility that the principles of equity,
    solidarity, self management, and diversity may replace free trade,
    whose failures are increasingly evident. Without limiting personal
    freedom, indeed encouraging it. And without compromising  
    research, innovation, development. These are the aims of
    participatory economic planning `from below', giving to 
    self-managed workers and consumers councils the 
    responsibility of elaborating production and consumption choices
    in light of their social costs and benefits.... Participatory
    is an exercise in collective intelligence elaborated by people 
    from different countries, to which everybody is invited to 
    contribute. Through an accurate exposition and the rebuttal
    of the most serious criticism, through case studies and a
    detailed description of the strategies to translate the model
    into reality, it shows that bringing democracy to all aspects
    of economic life, from production to labor organization, from
    consumption to resource distribution, is not a utopia;
    indeed, it shows that another world is possible."

Adele Oliveri, economist, political activist, ZNet commentator, and
Italian translator of Parecon says...

    "If we are to convince people to join the growing worldwide
    struggle for global justice, we must be able to offer them
    a glimpse into what our desired future society might look like.
    Parecon takes economic vision out of the realm of academic
    journals and throws it right in the middle of the activism
    arena, showing us how we can build from the bottom up a set
    of consumption, production, and allocation institutions that
    foster equity, diversity, solidarity, participation, and
    self-management. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and definitely
    recommend it to anyone who is serious about winning the hearts
    and minds of the undecided to the cause of our common
    effort to build a more humane world."

Andrej Grubacic, historian, political activist, ZNet commentator, and
Serbo-Croat translator of Parecon says...

    "Transition from capitalism to a more desirable economy,
    especially in Eastern Europe, will come to pass only after
    more sweat and tears have flowed in more campaigns on more
    fronts than we can yet imagine. Parecon, as a model which
    acknowledges all the merits and all the debits of a Soviet
    system, Eastern European experience, and Yugoslav experiment,
    is, in my opinion, extremely important for its attempt to
    formulate a coherent anti-authoritarian, left libertarian,
    economic vision. Parecon seems to me to be an anarchist
    economic vision which adds detail and depth via its attention
    to the specific positive economic institutions not previously
    clearly advocated by anarchists - perhaps most notably balanced
    job complexes and participatory planning."

Ezequiel Adamovsky, Argentine Activist, ZNet commentator, and author

    "I believe the Argentinean social movements that are trying to
    build alternatives to capitalist irrationality --such as the
    barter markets, piquetero productive projects, workers
    self-managed factories, independent distribution centers, etc.--
    will surely find inspiration in Michael Albert's book. Will
    the future be exactly as he envisions it? That's not the question.
    What matters is that Parecon helps us imagine how we can
    organize society after we get rid of capitalism.
    Parecon makes utopia look feasible."

Robert McChesney, Co-editor, Monthly Review says...

    "There is no more important issue facing humanity than
    imagining and putting into place a post-capitalist economy,
    based upon democratic principles and humane values. It has
    been all but obliterated in recent times due to the dreadful
    nature of the Soviet communist experience, and, far more
    important, the hatred of our ruling elite for any notion
    that there can be an alternative to the status quo. It is
    to Michael Albert's everlasting credit that he has worked
    tirelessly to grapple with the very difficult questions of
    what a truly democratic economy might look like, and how it
    might work. I strongly recommend Parecon: Life After Capitalism
    as a mandatory entry point for such a discussion, the importance
    of which becomes more apparent every day. It is a discussion
    that cannot be postponed any longer. Albert's thoughtful
    contribution deserves everyone's attention."

Stephen Shalom, political scientist, writer, ZNet commentator, and
editor of Socialist Visions says...

    "Left proposals for change have so often been either minor
    tinkerings with current horrors or the vaguest of imaginings
    that dissolve on close examination. Participatory economics
    -- Parecon -- has avoided both these dangers: it is a hard-headed,
    carefully thought-out proposal for far-reaching and fundamental
    change. In this volume, Michael Albert elaborates the model
    and provides compelling responses to criticisms. Anyone who knows
    we need a new world ought to give this book serious attention."

Carl Boggs, political scientist, writer, and author of Social Movements
and Political Power says...

    "In Parecon, Michael Albert has built extensively and creatively
    upon his earlier work on participatory economics and democratic
    politics understood in the most radical, transformative sense.
    What he provides is nothing less than an urgent agenda for the
    twenty-first century, one that would move us toward the kind of
    empowerment, citizenship, and engagement needed
    to reverse the present slide toward barbarism. The model Albert
    proposes and so convincingly articulates goes well beyond failed
    systems of the past - market capitalism, the command economy,
    social democracy - while also pointing toward a much needed
    alternative to the present-day ravages of capitalist globalization.
    More than a discourse on economics, the book offers a broad
    vision of radical transformation grounded in the very best
    elements of previous emancipatory theories and movements.
    It will be essential reading for anyone interested in
    fundamental social change."

Paul Street, Director of Research and Vice President for Research and
Planning at the Chicago Urban League says...

    "Those who dissent from the status quo are continually faced
    with a significant question that is often asked with hostile
    intent: 'So what's your solution?' Contrary to some left opinion,
    the question is not inherently a method of suppressing or
    ridiculing dissent and the struggle to answer it is not an
    inherently dogmatic or reformist. The failure to provide or
    even attempt solid answers is arguably a great moral and
    intellectual failure of the left, especially in a time when
    existing political-economic arrangements so clearly threaten
    human survival. I know of no one who has worked more effectively
    to answer the question in at once flexible, democratic, and
    radical fashion than Mike Albert in his Parecon: Life After
    Capitalism. It is must reading for those who sense
    the left's urgent need to supplement criticism with an
    inspiring and practical vision of how the world might be put
    on solid, democratic, and sustainable ground."

Can all these commentators be wrong? Maybe, but surely their comments at
least provide good reason to judge the book for yourself.

I hope that you will do so. 

I am relying on you to do so.

Here are the relevant links to access further information or to purchase
the paperback edition...

    The Parecon book page which includes comments, reviews,
    excerpts, and some interviews and debates, is at:

    The Amazon Link for purchasing is at:
    I know, of course the above mega-link is absurd. 
    But you can also just go to Amazon.com and 
    search parecon, and then click for the paperback edition. 

    The AK Press Link for purchasing is at:
    Then you search parecon.

    The Verso link for purchasing is at:

    A guide to local independent bookstores is at:

Thank you 
Michael Albert

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