Hello,   Having sent out a rather formal announcement of my new book, 
Remembering Tomorrow and seen a large but not stupendous flurry of activity 
around it, it is hard not to wonder how to induce additional interest - and so 
here I give it a try.

Please go to the book page (https://www.zmag.org/remtom.html . Please check it 
out and maybe order it. 

Hmmmm, as I look over the above line of text I notice that perhaps it isn't a 
very compelling entreaty. But what more can I say?   Well, Remembering Tomorrow 
uses provocative, personal, revealing, inspiring, laugh-inducing, gut-renching 
stories to relay the origins of Z, ZMI, and ZNet, including the ups and downs 
of their creation and maintanence. That seems like a natural topic for ZNet 
users to jump on, doesn't it?

Maybe ... but wait, that isn't all. There is also an extensive very personal 
visit with a whole epoch from the Sixties Civil Rights Movement and SDS through 
the Vietnam War and the decades after that into the new century. Indeed, by all 
this, the book provides what Chomsky calls "revealing and often surprising 
insights into the exciting history of the past forty years, the popular 
movements and the institutional structures that have sought to contain and 
undermine them, their successes and failures, and the prospects for moving on." 
Yet, I can see, perhaps that is still not enough inducement. 

Well,, Remembering Tomorrow also revealingly treats diverse publishing, 
organizing, and life experiences. It visits the experiences and ways and 
whyfors of authors and activists whose work you know. It examines the origins 
and tribulations and a few triumphs of parecon. It journeys overseas from 
Poland during Solidarity days to Venezuela during Bolivarian days, and much 
more. Still...you may not be rushing to get it. What more can I say...

Well, I know that as a prospective reader I pay some attention to jacket and 
early reader comments about a new book - so it might well matter to me if I got 
a message, as you did, that Noam Chomsky says this book is "truly remarkable," 
"lively," and a "great achievement" or that Barbara Ehrenreich says it is not 
only relevant now, but it will be "in the late Twenty First Century as well," 
or that Brian Kelly of SDS says it is a "must read," "wonderfully human and 
also inspiring and edifying," or that Cynthia Peters says it is "poetic, 
analytical, provocative, tenacious, and hopeful," or that Brian Dominick says 
it is "captivating." Still...though comments like that might get me to take a 
look at the book page to see if the 450 pages of it really have that much 
promise - it also might not. We are all very busy, after all. It is tough to 
get a nod from anyone toward anything, even reading an email message much less 
visiting a page to evaluate and perhaps order a book. 

Yes, the author interview - which we also sent you and which is now linked from 
the top page of ZNet - might tip the balance and motivate looking at the book 
page, or, then again, it might not. The interview shows that the author has 
high hopes, good intentions, and great eagerness. What else is new?   Well, 
Remembering Tomorrow is among other things a chronicle of the events, people, 
feelings, motives, and especially the lessons, beliefs, and ideas that lay 
behind a web site and a broad organizational project that you often use - not 
to mention the book emotively and revealingly describing a whole panoply of 
organizing, demonstrating, schooling, teaching, movement building, funding, 
publishing, editing, writing, speaking, and just plain left living from the 
Sixties to the present, all of which is also, I hope, right up your radical 

I mean, honestly, I just don't think I can do any better than this book. I 
poured everything I could generate into making it a highly engaging but still 
very worthy read for - well, yes - for you. So, what else is needed to get you 
to take a look at the book page and to at least consider the option of placing 
an order?    Well, if I were in your shoes, I admit there is something more I 
might want to see to decide it I wished to take that plunge: The Table of 
Contents.     That is, I realized while thinking about the difficult task of 
promoting this new book that I routinely use this easily perusable element, a 
new book's table of contents, as my key evidence for whether to plunk down for 
it or not. So, I figured, why shouldn't that be true of other people too? And 
if it is true of you, then why not direclty provide you Remembering Tomorrow's 
table of contents?    So, since I regretably can't send the book itself - here 
is what may be the next best thing for deciding if Remembering Tomorrow is 
worth some of yout time: Remembering Tomorrow's table of contents with a bit of 
succinct annotation, too. 

And, by the way, if sending this table of contents, has a significicant effect, 
by all means, we will start sending this material for other ZNet authors too, 
supposing they make their book innards available to us to forward to you.    
Remembering Tomorrow
 (https://www.zmag.org/remtom.html )   Table of Contents        [In today's 
world social structures saddle us. 
     Freedom flaunts us. Information inebriates us. 
     Water wastes us. Climate crashes us. 
     Images insulate us. Prisons parole us. 
     Complacency constrains us. Doubt deadens us. 
     Stomachs staunch us. Backs break us. Eyes blind us. 
     Bombs burst us. Repression, inequality, and corpses curse us. 
     False graveyards gnaw us. Should we revolt? 
     To get where? How? Accomplishing what? 
     Remember Tomorrow.]   Introduction: Bang, Bang Goes The Beat Of My Drum 
   What's In a Memoir
   Me as Memoirist 
   Emulating My Muse
   Remembering Tomorrow   
Part 1: The Old Folks' Home at MIT         [Part One has nine chapters, largely 
about attending a peculiar 
     college located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It introduces the 
     civil rights movement and the New Left, recounts fraternity rush 
     through tumultuous expulsion, includes science, sniffing glue, 
     designing corridors, chutzpah, burning draft cards, creating sanctuaries, 
     attending finishing schools, career planning, elections, and riots. 
     We meet Marxism, Abbie Hoffman, the Living Theater, drugs, 
     Hubert Humphrey, the Grateful Dead, Muhammad Ali, and 
     Mr. Basketball, Bill Bradley, and we consider tennis, intellectual 
     chasms, mathematician's proofs, and human capacities. 
     We meet Noam Chomsky and consider torching libraries, 
     provost propositions, corporate seduction, paths bypassed, 
     Dow Chemical, academic channeling, the calculus of dissent, 
     and the contours of cynicism. I get elected, stand eyeball to 
     gun barrel, and begin considering tomorrows.]   1 Too Young to Notice 
   Civil Rights and the New Left
   Stage Three, Please   2 Dachau on the Charles 
   Fraternity Rush Riot
   Summer Job, Something for Nothing 
   Leaving AEPi
   MIT Teaches, Too
   Marxism Afternoon   3 Yesterday's Papers 
   The Glue That Binds Us All 
   Paint that Slogan
   Chutzpah Lessons & Results
   Interior Design
   Church Service   4 Spiritual Crossroads 
   Meeting Tactics
   Abbie Hoffman
   Theater Lives
   Getting High
   Stoned Cold Picnic
   Musical Interlude and Some Films Too
5 Star Gazing 
   Debating Hump
   Fearing Killian
   There Ain't Nothing Like Ali
   Stars Are Us
   The Zone
   The Incongruous Star: Noam Chomsky   6 Why Do It? 
   Would You Torch a Library?
   The Provost's Proposition
   Chemicals, Son?
   Reasons for Rejecting Lucre
   Chomsky and My Career   7 Campus Organizing 
   Damning Dow
   The Calculus of Dissent
   Cynicism 101
   Organizing Mechanics   8 Big Man on Campus 
   UAP: To Win or to Educate, The Wrong Question
   The Fame Factor and Snowballing Individualism   9 Heating Up and Melting Down
   Divesting or Transforming
   Human Donuts 
   Strategic Options
   Exiting MIT
   Yearbook Time Machine   
Part 2: The Ringing of Revolution         [Part Two has ten chapters about 
     Dreams of bombs lead from grassroots media to street rioting.
     Washington warfare leads from the Pentagon through CIA illogic 
     and Mayday mayhem to Polish lessons. Dirty stories segue into 
     Bread and Roses. Women and revolution fire up. We visit gender 
     from the sadomasochistic to the masochistic-sadistic. I find sexism 
     damaging, learn love, meet Lydia for life, assess marriage, 
     examine women's intuition, and consider aging. 
     Socializing or not-that is the question. Seattle Liberation macho, 
     Weather storms, and planned mayhem. The Black Panthers rise,
     fall, and shine a light. I get mugged on Halloween. 
     Lydia gets mugged on our steps. Between Labor and Capital 
     highlights Ehrenreich, antagonizes Aronowitz, and inspires 
     Albert and Hahnel. No Nukes illuminates class.
     Sixties books highlight Dellinger and Hayden. 
     I learn fishing on Golden Pond. 
     The ringing of revolution grows quiet.]   10 Bean Town 
     The Old Mole Forever Surfacing
     CD Too
     White Rioting   11 Washington Bullets 
     Hard Rain
     Pentagon Demo
     Mr. CIA
     May Day
     Poland No Joke   12 Bread and Roses 
     Dirty Stories
     Women in the Movement
     Women Readjust the Left
     Curious Courtship
     Women and Revolution    13 Lydia and Life 
     Dates and Lovers
     Lydia for Life
     Marriage Madness
     Women Know More: Yes and No
     Living Radical and Socializing   14 The Action Faction 
     SLF Booted Out
     Weather Forecast
     My Adventurism
     Timeline Confusions   15 The Black Panthers 
     From Smack to the Little Red Book
     Intercommunalism   16 Black Like Who? 
     Bar Mitzvahed into Radicalism?
     Blacks and Me
     MIT Blackness
     Halloween Bash
     It's Self-Image, Stupid   17 What about Class? 
     Booking It
     Antagonizing Aronowitz
     Visiting Ehrenreich and a Sad Outcome
     The Real Deal
     No Nukes and Class   18 Sixties People and Books 
     America's Gandhi 
     Mr. SDS
     Fine-Tuning Music and Capitalism
     To Golden Pond and Fonda on Beauty
     About the Sixties   19 Still Walking 
     Incomplete Symphony
     Where'd We Go?   
Part 3: Channeling Walking Butterflies         [Part Three has four chapters 
about higher education and teaching. 
     MIT and Harvard reveal educational inadequacy. 
     Is economics astrology? Odd byways illuminate academia.
     Cheating disciplines life. I test well but obey poorly. 
     I teach with Chomsky, but get fired from U. Mass Boston. 
     I avoid a slippery slope, and learn from prison. 
     Walking butterflies convey a key life lesson.]   20 Tech Tooling & Harvard 
     MIT Learning
     High School Hijinks
     Not Much Ed. at the Harvard Ed. School   21 Becoming an Economist 
     Off To Amherst 
     Doctoral Revelation
     Doctoral Denial
     Drummed Out   22 The Responsibility of Intellectuals 
     Teaching for Chomsky
     U Mass Teaching
     You're Fired!
     Dating and Power Relations   23 Prison School? 
     Threats Work
     Inmates Teach the Teacher
     Walking Butterflies   
Part 4: Tomorrow's Seeds Today         [Part Four has six chapters about 
alternative media. 
     South End Press is born, foreshadows participatory economics, 
     survives capitalism, endures ambition, and succeeds. 
     We visit books from sexual revolution through friendly fascism. 
     Herman and Chomsky uplift us. Toffler surprises us. 
     We pass on fat. Small is our bugaboo. Seas aren't friendly. 
     South End Press biases persist and what the hell is going on 
     in a Left less diverse than the mainstream? 
     We entice money from a clothing entrepreneur, a Rockefeller, 
     and Hunter the headliner. House sales resuscitate us.
     Investment packages preserve us. Printer profusion
     and staring down the IRS protect us. 
     Z Magazine spins off and beats bad odds. 
     An NFL owner provides plenty of pain and no gain. 
     Z Papers is prescient but disastrous for Albert and Hahnel. 
     ZMI rocks. LBBS drains life and just misses generating big bucks 
     becoming Left On Line, which morphs into Shareworld, 
     which just misses generating even bigger bucks and morphs into ZNet, 
     which makes okay bucks and becomes an international phenomenon. 
     The megaphone problem leads to what makes alternative 
     media alternative, keeping on keeping on, media and democracy,
     donor delusions, funding fiascos, and media politics writ larger.]   24 
Redefining Publishing 
     Emulating SEP
     Between SEP's Covers
     Friendly Fascism and Editing Others
     The Wharton School's Finest
     Noam Chomsky Published But Not Reviewed
     No Nukes
     The Toffler Wave
     Book Missed: Fat Is Beautiful
     Small Isn't Always Beautiful
     Unfriendly Seas
     Successes and Marginalization
     Soaring Mice
     Balancing SEP Bias
     Where to, Whitey?
     National Averages and Left Averages
     Do As I Say Or I Won't Pay
     Financing SEP into Existence
     Tandler Tango
     Rockefeller Rocks
     Donor Delusions
     Comfortable Anticapitalism
     Hunting Hunter
     Hypocrisy or Sound Policy?
     Zevin, Houses, Packages, Printers, and the IRS
     The Open Question: Restauranteering   
25 Monthly Z 
     Z Magazine
     Sporty Savior? 
     Ostrich Eyes
     Cocky Cockburn
     Cockburn and Hitchens, Too
     Z Media Institute
     Z Papers, Robin Hahnel, and Me   26 Going Cyber 
     Kapor and Bricklin: A Communications Problem
     LOL and ShareWorld
     ZNet: Cyber Success 
     Keeping On Keeping On   27 Alternative Media 
     Media and Democracy
     Time and Us   
Part 5: Mind Trips         [Part Five, basically about ideas, has six chapters. 
     Ideas transcend postmodernism. Kayaking teaches persistence. 
     Marxism morphs into liberating theory with a major in economics 
     that detours into class or multitude. Vision overcomes resistance 
     via pop culture. Parecon leads through The Award of The President 
     of the Italian Republic toward a participatory society. 
     Sammy Reshevsky and Bobby Fischer beget strategy. 
     Strategy traverses Egypt, addresses stickiness and class, 
     unfolds the umbrella problem, revisits lifestyle, visits Australia, 
     Turkey, and India, and considers elections. The Organization to 
     Liberate Society and We Stand try to extend the lessons 
     of the past into the future. I rant about Left defeatism, 
     assess Life After Capitalism, seek serious intellectual engagement, 
     visit Venezuela, and address my generation.]   28 Pomo: What Is It Good 
     Postmodern Car Ride
     Close Encounter of the Pomo Kind   29 Better Flakes 
     Theory: What Is It Good For?
     Marxism and Leninism
     Britain and Marxism
     Class or Multitude
     Liberating Theory
     Better Economics   30 Principia Utopia
     Thrillers Reveal Popular Consciousness
     Vision Problem 
     Italy and Needing Vision
     Seeking Vision
     Brazil and Argentina Conclude the Case
     Australia, Austria, and Vision Gaining Ground
     Rimini and Vision Applauded
     Turkey, India, and Relevance
     Venezuela's Path: Pareconist?
     Parsociety   31 Preconditions 
     History's Locomotion
     Chess a Go Go
     The Megaphone Problem
     Apocalyptic Organizing
     The Stickiness Problem
     The Umbrella Problem 
     The Lifestyle Problem
     The Class Problem
     The Electoral Problem   32 Actualization 
     Organization to Liberate Society
     We Stand for Peace and Justice
     Advocate or Overhaul
     Life After Capitalism
     Seeking Serious Intellectual Engagement
     My Case Studies 
     IPPS   33 Our Generations 
     Message to My Friends and Myself
     Bringing the Ship In        Index

  • ZNet Update Michael Albert

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