
This is another ZNet free update. 

Today we are writing you in hopes of helping out another organization
that is now in dire straits, The NewStandard (TNS). Today is TNS's 2nd
birthday online, so we thought it an appropriate time to pass along this
note. We think it is important that they have a third birthday...

TNS publishes a number of original hard-news articles 5 days a week.

TNS is one of the very few US-based news projects that emphasizes
coverage of civil liberties, labor issues, immigration, indigenous
concerns, poverty and so many other important topics.

TNS financially supports truly independent journalists who don't have to
fear corporate interference with their reporting.

TNS is a participatory economics institution which pays according to
effort/sacrifice which employs collective process and balanced job

And finally, to ensure its internal integrity and future, TNS is a 100%
reader-funded nonprofit organization -- on principle, they accept no
money from investors, advertisers, foundations or anyone else that
attaches strings to their support.

The situation is not just that TNS needs help in order to become the
kind of news organization that can penetrate the mainstream and
challenge the corporate news media. It is that TNS needs help, now, in
order to survive.

TNS is an example of a few people marshalling massive amounts of
personal energy and creativity to the cause of developing productive,
essential, movement infrastructure. I obviously wish all such projects
success. We all do. But sometimes one comes along that is even more
worthy than many others, due to special conditions and circumstances.

TNS is such a case. It is exemplary internally in its structure and
policies, it is exemplary externally in its outward relations, and it
provides a "product" that is desperately needed. Moreover, TNS operates
incredibly efficiently in wasting no effort, no labor, no funds.

Throughout the universe of people committed to creating better times in
the U.S. there is a general agreement on the need for news, for real
news, for alternative news, and on the need for infrastructure that is
worthy and viable. TNS provides both.

Regretably, however, it is very hard for that universe of people to
simultaneously see clear to support a project. We are fragmented. We do
not know each other's inclinations. We all most often act like atoms,
without connection to each other, and atomistic donations made one by
one seem so hopeless - so we often don't donate.

This message to ZNet users hopes to overcome that problem, at least now,
at least for TNS. We are simultaneously addressing a large enough group
so that you can all know that if you act, then others will have acted
too, and the result will be a proud success.

Like ZNet, The NewStandard needs recurring donors so it can know
generally how much revenue it can expect from month to month. So please
consider joining as what they call a Premium Member -- the best way to
help TNS at this critical juncture.

So, please click over to http://newstandardnews.net and become a member.
You will gain new information and knowledge and help others do likewise.
It is a fine way to start a new year.

And, as further incentive, here is what some other folks who support
both ZNet and TNS have had to say about The NewStandard:

Noam Chomsky: It is hard to exaggerate the significance these days of
independent, careful, probing and thoughtful news reporting. The
NewStandard has set a very high standard in that regard. It has already
won an important place among those who want to understand the world, and
to act to change it. And the prospects ahead are exciting. I hope you
will join in helping The NewStandard achieve these critically important

Naomi Klein: In a medium awash with opinion, The NewStandard is doing
something all too rare: proving it. Its writers back up their commitment
to social and economic justice with rock-solid, on-the-ground reporting.
Journalism of this high quality takes real resources. Let's give The
NewStandard the support it needs to take this crucial project to the
next level.

Robert Jensen: Aggressive new ventures such as The NewStandard are of
vital importance. The journalists reporting and editing the news at TNS
-- operating with a fraction of the resources -- put their so-called
elite journalistic competitors to shame. It's vital that we support this
effort so that they can continue -- and expand -- their crucial work. A
contribution to The NewStandard is an investment not only in their
project but in the health of our democracy.

And here is just a small sample of TNS's recent original reporting.

'Worker Centers' Pick Up Where Unions, Govt. Leave Off by Michelle Chen

Chicago Turns Down Discounted Venezuelan Oil by Jessica Pupovac

McDonald's on Tip-toes with Newly Empowered Farmworkers by Kari Lydersen

Threatened New Orleans Tenants Fight Evictions Scourge by Jessica Azulay

Critics Question Senate's Supposed 'Anti-torture' Stance by Michelle

So do it now, please, if you possibly can...

And Happy New Year,

Michael Albert

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