Hello ZNet Free Update Recipient,


This is the first urgent funding appeal made by Z in many years. It is very serious. You will see further information at the ZNet top page:



Z Communications, including ZNet, Z Magazine, Z Video, and ZMI, has recently been losing money. If we can’t reverse this trend, our current savings will last only seven months before possible dissolution.


We are therefore currently working to cut costs, but such gains will be modest unless we cut major services and even whole operations.


We therefore need your help to increase revenues.


There are two ways to help us.


First, you can make a one time donation. To do this, you can either connect directly to ZNet's top page or to www.zmag.org/fundingappeal.htm and donate easily by credit card from there.


Or you can send a donation check directly to:


Z Fund Raising Drive

18 Millfield St.

Woods Hole, MA 02543


Second, you can connect to http://www.zmag.org/Commentaries/donorform.htm and use the links there to become a ZNet Sustainer. This option gives us recurring support and has the benefit that you receive in gratitude a daily email commentary, access to past commentaries, and access to our forums including Noam Chomsky and Michael Albert as frequent participants.


We hope you will agree that ZNet, Z Magazine, Z Media Institute, and Z Video Productions are important components of the effort to win more just conditions throughout the world and that you will therefore help us, within your means, to continue our work.


We thank you in advance for your support,


Michael Albert, Lydia Sargent, Eric Sargent,

Andy Dunn and Daniel Morduchowicz




On ZNet we have placed more information about the situation. And here is a personal comment we hope you will consider from Noam Chomsky, bearing on the issues…



      Personal Message from Noam Chomsky


"We live in an era of media concentration, vast efforts on many fronts (political, economic, military, ideological) to insulate state and private power from critical discussion or even popular awareness, and to reduce citizens to isolated atomized creatures restricted to satisfying personal "created wants." This massive and coordinated campaign has been partially successful, but only in a limited way. The range and scope and dedication of popular activism has also increased, all over the world, reaching a level of international solidarity and mutual support that has never been seen before. The basic conflicts are very old, but they have taken quite dramatic and significant new forms, and the stakes are far higher than ever before. It is, regrettably, no exaggeration to say that the survival of the species is at risk -- and many others with it. We all know why.


The popular movements are the hope for a decent future. They of course have to have access to information and modes of interaction. In addition to alternative print and video, to a very large extent they have relied on the internet, which allows people to escape from the constraints of the doctrinal systems, to explore and investigate and discuss crucial issues with one another, to plan and organize. Z and ZNet have played a crucial role in serving all of these functions. I see that every day. I travel and speak constantly, in this country and abroad, and spend many hours a day just responding to inquiries and comments. I constantly discover that the people and organizations I come in contact with are relying very substantially on Z projects for information, discussion, and opportunities for interaction and organizing, to an extent that is quite remarkable. It also is an invaluable resource for me personally, in all of these respects, and also in my case for providing a forum for intense and very constructive discussion (for me at least), the only one I regularly participate in. And for posting articles, interviews, commentaries, etc., of mine. I know that many others have very much the same experience.


It is of inestimable importance, in my judgment, that Z and ZNet continue to flourish and expand, not to mention their growing video efforts and incomparable media school, arguably the most exciting and instructive I have ever encountered. Again, I do not think it is possible to exaggerate the stakes. I hope that all of us who are committed to resisting and reversing the powerful currents of reaction and oppression and violence, and showing that another world is indeed possible, will contribute as best we can to ensure that the remarkable achievements of Z and ZNet will be carried forward."


                           --Noam Chomsky

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