[Note: Due to a technical error, some ZNet Updates sustainers were recently
sent a bigger, mis-formatted version of this essay. We sincerely apologize
for any confusion or inconvenience that might have caused.]

FROM Michael Albert (presently at large)

[ As always, you can remove yourself from our mailing list by visiting the
ZNet site at http://www.zmag.org/weluser.htm ]

1. ZMag Online Announcement
2. New ZNet Top Page Menu
3. World Social Forum / Life After Capitalism
4. Other Features
5. Featured Writings

First some big news. The January issue of Z Magazine has gone online along
with the new online subscription system, finally establishing Z Magazine
Online. The web system was programmed by longtime ZNet ally and commentator,
Brian Dominick. The web version of Z Print, elegantly converted to HTML by
Alyssa Hassan, will in future months go up on the site simultaneous with its
print counterpart. However, the web edition will be for Online Z Magazine
subscribers only. Please check out the sign up system, and the very low
rates, for further details or to join right away!


We will still place the issues on the free public ZNet site, but as in the
past, this will occur four months from when they appear in print and in the
online subscription system. We have created this online replication of the
print magazine -- with some worry over the effect it might have on print
subscriptions -- in considerable part for people overseas who want Z but
can't get it in a timely way by slow mail. We also hope this option will be
very useful to people who want electronic versions of articles, for
reproduction or other use. The Z Magazine Online version will essentially
replicate the print version, which will continue to come out as in the past.

Second, as always, we have a variety of new things on ZNet. Perhaps most
noticeably, compliments of ZNet user/volunteer Chad Macey, a very nice new
menuing system on the top page -- http://www.zmag.org/weluser.htm

We hope you like it. Indeed, we are working on letting you have a menu of
your own creation there, with links that you incorporate, whether to parts
of ZNet you use particularly often, or to other sites on the web, if you
want to have ZNet as your home page and use a menu for easy access to other
venues you frequent. I must say, I am looking forward to enjoying this

Third, quite a few ZNet folks are, as you read this, on their way to Brazil
for this year's World Social Forum and the Life After Capitalism sessions
that ZNet is hosting. We will try to relay some reports while there.
Meanwhile, please check out www.zmag.org/lac.htm to see what we are up to --
and check out http://www.zmag.org/lacsite.htm to even see advance drafts of
some of the talks ZNet-invited and -hosted participants will be giving, and
to see a foretaste of a mamoth vision and strategy collection that will be
emerging from transcriptions in weeks to come. There are about a dozen
pieces already.

Fourth, we hope you will pay very regular attention to the ZNet Antiwar
section, Iraq Watch, and other timely features, updated frequently. We hope
and anticipate that recent technical upgrades will help the site keep pace
with the increased use.

We also hope, as always, that you will consider becoming a Z Sustainer, to
enjoy our daily commentaries and the sustainer forum system. You can find
more information at http://www.zmag.org/Commentaries/donorform.htm

And, to give a bit more substance to this communique... two pieces this
time. First a timely commentary on the state of the US antiwar movement,
followed by one of the draft speeches now in the aforementioned "Life After
Capitalism" section...others already there deal with work, class, economic
vision, race, immigration, the city, globalization, health, and political
vision -- and perhaps more by the time you receive this.

Lastly, we had originally intended to include a couple of essays in this
email, but the file became to cumbersome for the server, so we'll spare you
the text and just link to them directly...

"Does Size Really Matter?" A ZNet Commentary by Brian Dominick, addresses
various important perspectives on current antiwar organizing.

"Work" is the draft of a lecture to be presented at the upcoming Life After
Capitalism conference. Written by Adele Oliveri, it addresses economic
vision and strategy.

-- Michael Albert, ZNet

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