
I apologize in advance those of you that are way past the basics of zones, but this information will hopefully be
a useful tool to help your friends and colleagues to more quickly realize the power of Solaris, OpenSolaris and 

I am putting together a Zone Manager University (a.k.a. ZMU) blog post campaign to educate the masses on 
Solaris/OpenSolaris zones and how to create and manage zones via the Zone Manager.  I just posted the first 
in the series titled ZMU 101: How To Add And Delete A Zone.  Don't let the title of this first post fool you.  There
are over 25 examples in this post that show you how to do things like...
  * Add 20 non-global zones in parallel without specifying any of the zone names
  * Add or delete multiple non-global zones in a single invocation
  * Add one or more non-global zones with customized root accounts per zone
  * Delete multiple non-global zones with globbed (e.g. using * as part of the name) zone names
  * Delete all non-global zones with a single invocation

There will be several in this ZMU series.  I hope that you find the information in the series useful and that you 
will share with your colleagues.

Have a great day and an even better weekend!

Brad Diggs | Principal Security Sales Consultant | +1.972.814.3698
Oracle North America Technology Organization
16000 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75248

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