Here's my feedback.

We are running a fare number of solaris containers, across a series of 
supported subnets. As of the Solaris 10 R3 release ( release 11/06 ) it was not 
possible to use ipfilter for the loopback packets between zones.

With R4 ( Release 08/07 ) you now can by having the first non-commented line in 
the ipf.conf file on the global zone as follows:

set intercept_loopback true;

Also, I need to clarify a definition so to speak. The difference between 
trunking and tagging can be a bit misleading, especially if you're old school 
like myself having done this job now for coming on 30 years.

The term trunking, in the old days, meant the extension of the physical network 
to the server in question, ie, no defined VLAN on the switch ports. SUN's use 
of trunking actually defines the method of device aggregation for HA network 
connectivity. Last I looked, dladm is the utility to define device aggreagtion.

Tagging defines a "virtual NIC" on the Solaris server, which passes a VID to a 
"tagged" port on your network switch determining which VLAN the packet is to be 
sent on.

quick config can be achieved with something like

ifconfig e1000g1001 netmask broadcast plumb
ifconfig e1000g1001 up
ifconfig e1000g2001 netmask broadcast plumb
ifconfig e1000g2001 up

or you can create /etc/hostname.e100g1001 and /etc/hostname.e100g2001
with the associated addresses in them.
The new ability to set the zone's ip-type to exclusive does in fact create a 
much better security model as far as looped back packets on the same global 
zone is concerned, but as mentioned, at a cost. Even if the physical NIC is set 
as a tagged NIC ( ie a VNIC ), it can only be used by a single Solaris 
container. This obviously can become problematic if you are deploying a larger 
number of containers on a single global zone.

I have tested isolation capabilites at the global zone layer using a series of 
rules in the global zone's ipf.conf with very good results. Entries similiar to

block in quick proto tcp/udp from x.x.1.0/24 to x.x.2.0/24 keep state
block out dup-to e1000g1002 quick proto tcp/udp from x.x.1.0/24 to x.x.2.0/24 
keep state

will achieve isolation between subnets and/or containers at least on the same 
global zone, and if a infrastructure firewall is in place as well, the 
duplicate packet will be forced out the NIC/VNIC defined.

Other options like "route add <zoneA's IP> <zoneB's IP> -interface -reject" can 
also be used at the global zone, but this command would have to be initiated 
after zoneA and zoneB are already booted so that the global zone's IP-Stack has 
record of the IP addresses in use. this also would require a series of entries 
to add the "rejection" for any combination of activity based on the local zones 

As for the raw use of VNIC's, it works great. Our environment currently 
supports 8 VLAN's on each global zone, and we are able to dynamically add new 
ones when required.

Dan G
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