[zones-discuss] Re: Unable to create a whole-root zone

2007-01-11 Thread Durga Deep
hi Neil,

that was a typo while I pasted the contents here in the window, it was infact 
the same. I was trying to do some thing different and pasted zone-1 instead of 

The actual output was 


and not


It was just a typo while I was pasting here in the browser.

The problem still exists :(.

Here is the ouput of 

# svcs -x
svc:/application/print/server:default (LP print server)
 State: disabled since Tue Dec 12 12:20:13 2006
Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-05
   See: lpsched(1M)
Impact: 2 dependent services are not running.  (Use -v for list.)

svc:/network/ntp:default (Network Time Protocol (NTP))
 State: maintenance since Tue Dec 12 12:21:34 2006
Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS
   See: xntpd(1M)
   See: ntpdate(1M)
   See: ntpq(1M)
   See: /var/svc/log/network-ntp:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

svc:/system/cluster/scsymon-srv:default (Sun Cluster SyMON Server Daemon)
 State: maintenance since Tue Dec 12 12:22:00 2006
Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS
   See: /var/svc/log/system-cluster-scsymon-srv:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
# svcs -v
legacy_run - Dec_12   75 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S10lu
legacy_run - Dec_12   76 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S20sysetup
legacy_run - Dec_12   77 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S40llc2
legacy_run - Dec_12   78 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S42ncakmod
legacy_run - Dec_12   79 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S47pppd
legacy_run - Dec_12   80 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S70uucp
legacy_run - Dec_12   81 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S72autoinstall
legacy_run - Dec_12   82 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S72sc_update_hosts
legacy_run - Dec_12   83 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S72sc_update_ntp
legacy_run - Dec_12   84 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S73cachefs_daemon
legacy_run - Dec_12   85 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S74xntpd_cluster
legacy_run - Dec_12   86 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S77scpostconfig
legacy_run - Dec_12   87 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S81dodatadm_udaplt
legacy_run - Dec_12   88 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S89PRESERVE
legacy_run - Dec_12   89 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S89bdconfig
legacy_run - Dec_12   90 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S91ifbinit
legacy_run - Dec_12   91 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S91jfbinit
legacy_run - Dec_12   92 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S94ncalogd
legacy_run - Dec_12   93 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S95SUNWmd_binddevs
legacy_run - Dec_12   94 lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S98deallocate
legacy_run - Dec_12  111 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S16boot_server
legacy_run - Dec_12  114 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S50apache
legacy_run - Dec_12  116 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S80mipagent
legacy_run - Dec_12  117 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S84appserv
legacy_run - Dec_12  118 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S90samba
disabled   - Dec_15- svc:/network/smtp:sendmail
online - Dec_124 svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/network/pfil:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/network/loopback:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/installupdates:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/network/physical:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/milestone/network:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/identity:node
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/metainit:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/filesystem/root:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/boot-archive:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/scheduler:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/filesystem/usr:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/keymap:default
online - Dec_12- 
online - Dec_12   18 svc:/network/multipath:cluster
online - Dec_12- 
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/device/local:default
online - Dec_12- 
online - Dec_12   21 svc:/system/sysevent:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/power:default
online - Dec_12- svc:/system/rmtmpfiles:default
online - Dec_12   28 svc:/system/pi

[zones-discuss] Re: Re: Unable to create a whole-root zone

2007-01-10 Thread Durga Deep
The Sun cluster version is SC 3.2. 

This message posted from opensolaris.org
zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Re: Unable to create a whole-root zone

2007-01-10 Thread Durga Deep

I still get the same errors. in the log files

# zonecfg -z zone-one
zone-one: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:zone-one> create
zonecfg:zone-one> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/sbin
zonecfg:zone-one> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/usr
zonecfg:zone-one> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/platform
zonecfg:zone-one> remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/lib
zonecfg:zone-one> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:zone-one> set zonepath=/export/zone-one
zonecfg:zone-one> add net
zonecfg:zone-one:net> set address=
zonecfg:zone-one:net> set physical=eri0
zonecfg:zone-one:net> end
zonecfg:zone-one> info
zonename: zone-one
zonepath: /export/zone-one
autoboot: true
physical: eri0
zonecfg:zone-one> verify
zonecfg:zone-one> commit
zonecfg:zone-one> exit

# cat /etc/zones/zone-one.xml


# zoneadm list -civ
   0 global   running/
   - zone-oneconfigured /export/zone-one

# zoneadm -z zone-one verify

# zoneadm -z zone-one install
Preparing to install zone .
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Copying <6080> files to the zone.
Initializing zone product registry.
Determining zone package initialization order.
Preparing to initialize <1071> packages on the zone.
Initialized <1071> packages on zone.
Zone  is initialized.
Installation of these packages generated errors: 
Installation of <1> packages was skipped.
Installation of these packages generated warnings: 
The file  contains a 
log of the zone installation.
This message posted from opensolaris.org
zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Re: Unable to create a whole-root zone

2007-01-10 Thread Durga Deep
Hi Enda

Please see my reponse

# svcs -xv
svc:/application/print/server:default (LP print server)
 State: disabled since Wed 20 Dec 2006 01:39:36 PM PST
Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-05
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M lpsched
Impact: 2 dependent services are not running:

Yep this machine had Sun Cluster Software Installed and Directory / Messaging / 
MMP servers installed at some point of time

This message posted from opensolaris.org
zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Re: Unable to create a whole-root zone

2007-01-09 Thread Durga Deep
Yep zone-one is the hostname with a dedicated IP Address. I created the path 
name the same, 
FYI: even if I don't I still get this error

This message posted from opensolaris.org
zones-discuss mailing list

[zones-discuss] Unable to create a whole-root zone

2007-01-09 Thread Durga Deep
Hi Folks

I wanted to create a whole-root zone. I am never able to create one :(. Did 
some one encounter this problem ?.

*) mkdir -m 700 /export/zone-one

*) The version of the OS used

# cat /etc/release
   Solaris 10 11/06 s10s_u3wos_09 SPARC
   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
   Assembled 01 November 2006

# zonecfg -z zone-one

zone-one: No such zone configured
Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
zonecfg:zone-one> create -b
zonecfg:zone-one> set autoboot=true
zonecfg:zone-one> set zonepath=/export/zone-one
zonecfg:zone-one> add net
zonecfg:zone-one:net> set physical=eri0
zonecfg:zone-one:net> set address=192.18.xx.xxx
zonecfg:zone-one:net> end
zonecfg:zone-one> verify
zonecfg:zone-one> commit
zonecfg:zone-one> exit

# zoneadm -z zone-one verify

# zoneadm -z zone-one install

Preparing to install zone .
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Copying <6080> files to the zone.
Initializing zone product registry.
Determining zone package initialization order.
Preparing to initialize <1071> packages on the zone.
Initialized <1071> packages on zone.
Zone  is initialized.
Installation of these packages generated errors: 
Installation of <1> packages was skipped.
Installation of these packages generated warnings: 
The file  contains a 
log of the zone installation.

# pkginfo -i SUNWsczr
application SUNWsczr Sun Cluster (non-global zones support)

# pkginfo -i SUNWsczr
application SUNWsczr Sun Cluster (non-global zones support)

# pkginfo -i SUNWdtlog
system  SUNWdtlog System boot for Desktop Login

# pkginfo -i SUNWsmmgr
system  SUNWsmmgr System Management Agent Startup scripts

*** package  failed to install with fatal errors:

WARNING: attribute verification of  
pathname does not exist
NOTE: When the package  was installed in the global zone, the file 
 was also installed. After the file was
installed in the global zone, the contents and/or attributes of the file 
changed. The contents of this file must never be changed. As a result,
the changes in this file have been duplicated in the non-global zone  
in the file .
ERROR : i.manifest cannot find archived files in 
pkgadd: ERROR: class action script did not complete successfully

Installation of  on zone  failed.

*** package  installed with warnings:

WARNING: attribute verification of  failed
pathname does not exist
NOTE: When the package  was installed in the global zone,
the file  was also installed. After the file was
installed in the global zone, the contents and/or attributes of the file
changed. The contents of this file must never be changed. As a result,
the changes in this file have been duplicated in the non-global zone
 in the file .
WARNING: attribute verification of  
pathname does not exist
NOTE: When the package  was installed in the global zone,
the file  was also installed. After the file was
installed in the global zone, the contents and/or attributes of the file
changed. The contents of this file must never be changed. As a result,
the changes in this file have been duplicated in the non-global zone
 in the file .
WARNING: attribute verification of  
pathname does not exist
NOTE: When the package  was installed in the global zone,
the file  was also installed. After the file was
installed in the global zone, the contents and/or attributes of the file
changed. The contents of this file must never be changed. As a result,
the changes in this file have been duplicated in the non-global zone
 in the file .
WARNING: attribute verification of 
pathname does not exist
NOTE: When the package  was installed in the global zone,
the file  was also installed. After the file 
installed in the global zone, the contents and/or attributes of the file
changed. The contents of this file must never be changed. As a result,
the changes in this file have been duplicated in the non-global zone
 in the file .
pkgadd: ERROR: source path 

 is corrupt
pathname does not exist
pkgadd: ERROR: source path 

 is corrupt
pathname does not exist
pkgadd: ERROR: source path 

 is corrupt
pathname does not exist
chmod: WARNING: can't access /export/zone-1/root/etc/svc/repository.db
chown: /export/zone-1/root/etc/svc/repository.db: No such file or directory
ERROR: attribute verification of 
pathname does not exist
chmod: WARNING: can't access /export/zone-1/root/etc/svc/repository.db
chown: /export/zone-1/root/etc/svc/repository.db: No such file or directory
ERROR: attribute verification of 
pathname does not exist
ERROR: attribute verification of 
pathname does not exist
ERROR: attribute verification of 
pathname does not exist

Installation o

[zones-discuss] Physical Memory on zones

2007-01-09 Thread Durga Deep
We have a machine that has 2GB of physical memory ( source prtconf ).

When I create zones (say 4), how does the physical memory of the machine get 
impacted ?. Is  there a performance hit ?. Please share your responses.

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zones-discuss mailing list