If you aren't familiar with zones, you can use the Zone Manager to dive
in quickly without having to ramp up on the semantics of zone config

Download, examples, and great overview preso available here:

To add a sparse root zone with a single processor dedicated for its 
use, use something like the following:

zonemgr -a add -n m1 -z /zones -P pw -I "|hme0|24|m1" \
  -p "cpu|1"

To delete the zone use the following:

zonemgr -a del -n m1 -F


On Fri, 2007-03-23 at 16:34 +0000, Simon Redmill wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> Following on from Jeff's comments below, one of the great aspects of
> Solaris 10 Containers is that the resource management features can be
> applied and administered dynamically. So in the example of a web
> hosting scenario, you could show how system resources can be increased
> and decreased on demand between different hosting sites to satisfy
> customer resource requirements. Further to this, you could talk about
> how these resources could be charged back to a customer based upon
> actual usage, much like utility computing.
> HTH,
> Simon.
> Jeff Savit wrote: 
> > Hi Adam, 
> > 
> > What might be a nice project, that would work on a modest hardware
> > resource :-) would be to demonstrate how you can use containers to
> > host multiple application environments with different contents.  For
> > example: configure a bunch of sparse root zones (to best use disk
> > space) with Apache in each, and demonstrate how each container has
> > different IP address and web content.  That would be like a hosting
> > company scenario. You could use web load generating tools to
> > demonstrate that you can spray web hits to different zones on the
> > same box. You could even have the web document directory added to a
> > zone in read-only status to demonstrate how zones can be used to
> > prevent web sites from being defaced. 
> > 
> > The resource administration parts aren't that difficult to apply -
> > perhaps you could then show simple things like giving one zone twice
> > the CPU shares of another zone, and run CPU hog programs in each to
> > demonstrate that the zones get proportional CPU access. 
> > 
> > These are just simple, broad ideas - it's only limited by
> > imagination. Bear in mind, of course that the Ultra 10 is an old
> > machine, so one mustn't expect blazing performance from it. I have
> > similar at home, and it's perfectly acceptable for testing and
> > playing with zones. Also, remember that Solaris Containers run
> > wherever Solaris 10 runs, so you could do this on an Intel or
> > AMD-based PC too. 
> > 
> > hope this helps, Jeff 
> > 
> > Adam Luzecki wrote: 
> > 
> > > Hello forum users, 
> > > 
> > > I am finishing computer science studies this year and I need to
> > > create thesis. I'm interested in Solaris containers and would like
> > > to describe this technology. I want to create a project that uses
> > > containers to do “something useful” and provides some
> > > functionality, not only shows how to create zones and assign
> > > resources. 
> > > 
> > > I have an Ultra 10 with Ultra Sparc IIi 300MHz CPU , 512 MB RAM
> > > and 20 GB HDD available. Does someone have any idea how to show
> > > practical use of containers on such machine? 
> > > 
> > > Other solution I think about is just to design containers without
> > > implementation, so I would not need any hardware. But
> > > unfortunately I do not have administration experience to decide
> > > about resource allocation. 
> > > 
> > > Could you please advice if you have any ideas about using
> > > containers on Ultra 10, or if you can provide any other
> > > suggestions for using  Containers in practice. 
> > > 
> > > Many thanks, 
> > > Adam 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > This message posted from opensolaris.org 
> > > _______________________________________________ 
> > > zones-discuss mailing list 
> > > zones-discuss@opensolaris.org 
> > >   
> > > 
> > 
> -- 
> Simon Redmill 
> Datacentre Architect
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> 55 King William Street
> London EC4R 9AD
> Phone x78231 / +44 207 929 8231
> Mobile +44 7711 025 797
> Fax +44 207 256 3310
> Blog
> http://blogs.sun.com/simonredmill
> _______________________________________________
> zones-discuss mailing list
> zones-discuss@opensolaris.org

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