Wow! That is just perfect James...
I'm pretty sure I'll use all this information for the simulation...
About the "Appointed Forwarder operation or DR election" I will need to
simulate those too... for that, as you suggested, I'll use two computers
with 4 Ethernet link.
Thanks a lot!

Best Regards.


2012/8/26 James Carlson <>

> On 8/25/2012 1:49 PM, Daniel Requena wrote:
> > James,
> >
> >     Thank you for you answer.
> >      I had never though about running more than one instance of Trill on
> > the same machine... simnet links are new to me... a quick search on
> > Google didn't  give me much. Do you have any links about it?
> Try searching "dladm simnet".  You should get a bunch of hits, including
> this fairly practical one:
> He was simulating routers, but the process is the same.  (And, in fact,
> "simnet" links were added during our bridging/TRILL project in order to
> test bridging and TRILL.)
> On that site, you'll also find links to a separate driver you can
> download and install called "hxbt:"
> It looks like a variant of the "hitbox" driver we used to use at Sun for
> testing WAN-related behavior.
> >       There is no problem in running this simulation on the global
> > zone... but the objective is to simulate a regular network running only
> > regular bridges and then I would substitute bridges for Trill links (one
> > by one). Can you see any problem doing that without virtualization?
> No problem.  You just need a bunch of links to bridge together, and then
> you can set up arbitrary instances of regular bridges (with or without
> STP) and TRILL bridges.
> Simnet links are just point-to-point, so they're perhaps not too
> interesting if you're deeply concerned about details such as Appointed
> Forwarder operation or DR election, at least on those links, but you can
> use one or two real external Ethernet interfaces to probe those
> behaviors as well.
> --
> James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>

      Daniel Requena
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