Andreas Koppenhoefer writes:
> > There's one notable option you didn't list: create
> > /usr/foo (where 'foo' is the directory into which this software
> > installs) as a writable directory within the zone.  To do this, just
> > use "add fs" to create either a lofs, ufs, or zfs mount.
> Right, that's another workaround we already use for SAP installations in 
> /usr/sap.  Since SAP does not use pkg-files for installing this works fine.  
> Thanks for that hint - I've forgot to mention.
> Unfortunately we have some other software in pkg-format for which no
> workaround fits at all.

Can you describe how this software installs?  Does it install files to
/usr/bin directly?  If so, then I'd argue that the software isn't
really Solaris-compatible, let alone compatible with Zones.  See
filesystem(5) -- non-OS software shouldn't be delivering to /usr/bin.

If it delivers somewhere else, then I'd expect that the workaround
above would solve the problem.

> In these cases the only solution is reinstalling local zone or - if possible 
> - converting /usr from inherited to plain copy.

That leaves just reinstall.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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