Phil Freund wrote:
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for posting this info. I had to look real hard to find it in the
Release Notes even knowing it existed. The link within the FAQ goes to a
blank page.

Apologies for the outdated link. The new link is .

I looked at the notes both from the link in the message and in the Release
Notes and still need some clarification about the lofs situation.

I mount all of my application directories for local zones via lofs. For
example, here is a definition in one zone.xml file that is consistent with
the way I do the mounts in all 46 of my zones: <filesystem
special="/appmounts/cludaep900o/psep90" directory="/psep90" type="lofs"/>

Will I have a problem with the upgrade and have to use the workaround? If
yes, why?

Yes, you must use the workaround. There is a bug in the installer (upgrade software) that gets confused if a zone has one or more LOFS mounts. There is a fix for the bug, but the fix was not available at the time the final 11/06 bits were created and put through final testing.

Fortunately, most of the workaround can be scripted.

Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @
OS Ambassador            Sr. Technical Specialist
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