yes this is expected in solaris 10.

some of the scripts create non unique tmp entries.
I can dig up bugs for this one most likely, seem to remember logging one myself.
On 05/01/2010 15:37, Gael wrote:

Was toying around with Solaris 10 U8 x86 (not patches applied) creating
2 zones in parallel and noticed that I was getting different packages
errors during the builds.
After looking at the log files, apparently both zones build processes
were stepping on each other ... Is that a known issue. Being offsite
this week, just wanted to check that before opening a fyi case.

bash-3.00# cat /export/zone2/root/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log |
grep -v success | egrep -v "^$"
*** package <SUNWservicetagr> installed with warnings:
/tmp/rbac_SUNWservicetagr_auth_attr_merge.old: No such file or directory
mv: cannot unlink /tmp/rbac_SUNWservicetagr_auth_attr_merge: No such
file or directory
/export/zone2/root/var/sadm/pkg/SUNWservicetagr/install/i.rbac : failed
to mv /tmp/rbac_SUNWservicetagr_auth_attr_merge to
/tmp/rbac_SUNWservicetagr_prof_attr_merge.old: No such file or directory
/tmp/rbac_SUNWservicetagr_prof_attr_merge: failed to get acl entries: No
such file or directory
/export/zone2/root/var/sadm/pkg/SUNWservicetagr/install/i.rbac : failed
to mv /tmp/rbac_SUNWservicetagr_prof_attr_merge to
ERROR: attribute verification of
</export/zone2/root/etc/security/auth_attr> failed
     pathname does not exist
Installation of <SUNWservicetagr> on zone <zone2> partially failed.
bash-3.00# uname -a
SunOS sanfran 5.10 Generic_141445-09 i86pc i386 i86pc
bash-3.00# pkginfo -l SUNWservicetagr
    PKGINST:  SUNWservicetagr
       NAME:  Service Tags (root)
   CATEGORY:  system
       ARCH:  i386
    VERSION:  1.0,REV=2007.
    BASEDIR:  /
     VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
       DESC:  Service Tags Agent
     PSTAMP:  sparc(re-s10-s01)Tue Nov 27 14:22:24 MST 2007
   INSTDATE:  Jan 04 2010 15:48
    HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
     STATUS:  completely installed
      FILES:       15 installed pathnames
                   11 shared pathnames
                   10 directories
                   17 blocks used (approx)

Gael Martinez

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