On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 13:36 -0400, Jared Cantwell wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was looking at the code that loads the snapshots/logged transactions
> into the database on startup, and noticed that the FileTxnSnapLog
> initializes the log iterator to the last transaction committed to the
> snapshot (restore()).  This causes the last transaction to be
> processed, even though its already in the snapshot.  I'm not sure if
> this is a big problem in reality, or if it was intentional.  Does
> anyone know anything about this?

Hi Jared,
there are other problems on startup (ZOOKEEPER-874 and 876), e.g., the
listener is never called inside restore().


> Also, it seems like loadDataBase is called twice in
> ZooKeeperServer.loadData(), is that intentional for some reason?
> Thanks,
> Jared

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