Hi Thomas,
  Sorry for my late response. Please open a jira regarding this. Is this fixed 
in your netty patc hfor the client?


On 9/1/10 9:09 AM, "Thomas Koch" <tho...@koch.ro> wrote:


I believe, that I've found a race condition in
In this test the server is closed before the client. The client, on close(),
submits as last package with type ZooDefs.OpCode.closeSession and waits for
this package to be finished.
However, nobody is there to awake the thread from packet.wait(). The
sendThread will on cleanup call packet.notifyAll() in finishpackage.
The race condition is: If an exception occurs in the sendThread, closing is
already true, so the sendThread breaks out of it's loop, calls cleanup and
finishes. If this happens, before the main thread calls packet.wait() then
there's nobody left to awake the main thread.


Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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