Hi, this was originally proposed as a google summer of code project, the slots for gsoc have already been given out, this was not one of the projects chosen by apache. So you could still work on this if you like, but not under the gsoc umbrella. We (zk contributor community) would be happy to work with you. See the following for the recipes we currently ship with:

You might also check JIRA, such as:

There's still alot of work to be done in this area. Such as:

* identifying and documenting what components the library might/should contain. See this for the current list: http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/docs/current/recipes.html

* even the existing recipes could benefit, improved documentation for example.

* queues/locks are implemented in src/recipes, however the other recipes are not

* add python implementations in addition to c/java?

* not all recipes are black/white, but rather there are many variations to each. We could add these to the docs/implementation

there's probably alot more that could be done that I haven't identified, this is fertile ground. Would be great if you were interested and would like to contribute. Feel free to create some jiras and contribute patches! I encourage you to move further the discussion to the zookeeper-dev list, that's where we discuss "futures" and unreleased software.



On 05/25/2010 11:34 PM, Chia-Hung Lin wrote:

I read the page at
http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/SoC2010Ideas saying there
would have a mentor if one would work on those projects. I am
interested in `Concurrent Primitives Library' and would like to work
on this project. Is this project still available? Or any procedure
requires to apply in order to participate in this project?

Thanks, ChiaHung

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