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Chris McDonough wrote:

> On Nov 14, 2005, at 9:21 PM, Dennis Allison wrote:


>> Questions:
>> ~~~~~~~~~~
>> What is the cause of the locking problem? Does ZMySQLDA/MySQL- 
>> Python/Zope have some path which should have called begin to get a
>> lock and did not?
> No idea, sorry.  I assume this worked OK under 2.7.X and the only  real
> meaningful difference is a move to 2.8?
>> What needs to be done to make session variables stable?
> Making transactions work properly by tracking down the "abort"  symptom
> above is the best start just so you don't go on a wild goose  chase.
>> Does the Temporary Storage method need to be extended to allow for
>> rolling back a transaction?
> I don't think so.  TemporaryStorage is already transactional.

Dennis isn't using TemporaryStorage -- he is mounting a ZEO client
storage at '/temp_folder' (which, of course, is also transactional).  My
guess is that something about the shared ZEO sessions, along with
perhaps MySQL, is generating the problem.

>> Any other help or advice would be appreciated.
> I'm afraid that the only way this "problem" (or set of two problems,  or
> three, or however many it turns out to be) will be solved is to  for
> someone to be able to replicate the symptom.  I don't suppose you  can
> tell us how to do that, can you?

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