Hello, I am trying to get Apache to handle authentication and pass the
REMOTE_USER enviroment variable. Unfortunately I seem to be missing some
key parts of the process.

I have found two discussions of this topic, one in the online docs, and
one in the WEBSERVER.TXT. Both of them seem to be a little incomplete,
but neither fills in all the holes of the other. The problem I am having
is with the following in the WEBSERVER.TXT

        *Note*: The above presumes that '/cgi-bin/Zope' has been made
        executable by some other Apache directive in the configuration

What exactly are they trying to get at here? Do I make a directory under
cgi-bin called Zope? Do I put Zope.cgi in it? Do I do some sort of mapping
from a ScriptAlias of /cgi-bin/zope/ to the zope.cgi file? I am a bit

If anyone has set this up I would love a clipping from your httpd.conf
file. Or just a clarification.

BTW: The reason I am doing it this way is that I am using mod_pam to
authenticate my web server and I would like to use the same for Zope, this
seemed the best way. Also I need Apache for SSL.



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