Our company, Cyberwork Solution Inc, uses Zope heavily to provide 
technicle solutions for our clients. Insert/Query image with MySQL was 
also a BIG problem for us, but now we've found one solution to solve this 
problem. Here is the solution we found, and hope it will help!!

  Zope 2.1.6
  MySQL 3.22.30
  ZMySQLDA 1.1.3

[insert into MySQL]

<form method="post" action="py_sqlinsert"  ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
<input type=file name=file>
<input type=submit>

--External Method-- py_sqlinsert
from Products.ZMySQLDA.db import DB
from Products.ZMySQLDA import MySQL

# you should replace what id you want to set with 'cclljj' :->
def insertBLOB(self,file='',REQUEST=None):
  f = file.read()
  d = DB('csi@localhost db_account db_passwd')
  r = MySQL.escape(f)
  q_str = "insert into CSI (name,data) values ('cclljj','" +r+ "')"
  return "success"

[query from MySQL]

<img src="py_sqlquery?key=cclljj">  
<!-- query the image with the key value 'cclljj' -->

--External Method-- py_sqlquery
from Products.ZMySQLDA.db import DB
from Products.ZMySQLDA import MySQL

def queryBLOB(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE):
  key = REQUEST['key']
  d = DB('csi@localhost db_account db_passwd')
  q_str = "select data from CSI where name='"+key+"'"
  r = "Content-type: image/gif\n\n"
  k = d.query(q_str)
  k = k[1]
  k = k[0]
  k = k[0]
  return k

In fact, we also found that there seems to be some thing wrong with 
ZMySQLDA 1.1.3. We strongly recommend you to patch your DA.py as follows:

def sql_quote__(self, v, escapes={
        '\\': '\\\\',
        '\"': '\\\"',
        '\'': '\\\'',
        '\0': '\\0',
        '\n': '\\n',
        '\t': '\\t',
        '\r': '\\r',
        '\b': '\\b',
        '\032': '\\Z',

Therefore when inserting into database, you can just use DTML method 
without external method as follows:

<dtml-let content="file.read()">
<dtml-var zsql_insert>

Kevin Chen
Programmer,Cyberwork Solution Inc
4F-5,No.288,Kuangfu S.Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan
Tel : +886-2-87712220#2259
Fax : +886-2-87712222

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