I'm having trouble figuring this out - I've got a zope 2.1.4 server that
I'm trying to get to work with DCOracle 1.3.1 b1, ZOracleDA 2.2.0 b1,
Oracle 8i client and Oracle 8 server on a RH 6.1 Linux machine.

The DCOracle test routine *does* work - it connects and says as much. 

Within Zope I'm getting some frustrating behavior however.

I'm starting Zope with the "start" script in an environment that has
ORACLE_HOME set just as it was for the DCOracle test script.  The
product looks OK in the control panel.  I can make an instance of it,
but if I have "connect immediately" turned on Zope *dies* and I get
"OCIEnvInit failed, oci_8.c:220" in the terminal that I started Zope
on.  If I have "connect immediately" turned off, I can create the
instance.  But whenever I try to connect I get the same problem - Zope
dies with the OCIEnvInit failed error.

Any clues folks?  I'm seriously pressed for time here - anything you
have would be most appreciated!


Dave Parker
tel;home:408 230 0009
adr:;;660 Bair Island Rd #38;Redwood City;CA;;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Principal Engineer
fn:Dave Parker

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