Re: [Zope] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-15 Thread Dieter Maurer
Jan-Ole Esleben wrote at 2005-12-11 19:10 +0100:
>Is it at all impossible to use XML-RPC _within_ a ZOPE architecture?

In principle yes.

Be careful however: it is easy to introduce deadlocks!

  When during request processing you call back into the same
  Zope via XML-RPC, the calling out request will not complete
  until the XML-RPC returns a result (this always holds for
  calls, XML-RPC or other, to an external or internal server).

  Zope has a limited amount of workers (the default is 4) able
  to execute requests. If there are no free workers, requests
  have to wait for one.

  Now imagine that as many requests arrive as there are workers
  and each of them wants to perform an XML-RPC against the
  same Zope. Then you have a deadlock: none of the XML-RPC requests
  will finish, because there are no free workers. An no worker
  will ever become free again, because each of them waits for
  its XML-RPC to finish.

Therefore, you should directly call internal resources (rather
than use XML-RPC).

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Re: [ZOPE] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-12 Thread Jan-Ole Esleben
Sorry, it was my mistake. My design actually works (surprise!), but I
missed a very obscure non-indented self._p_changed = 1 in a base class
for my product. I know, I'm an idiot. But I'm glad it works now.

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Re: [ZOPE] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-12 Thread Jan-Ole Esleben
Chris: the errors I get are always ConflictErrors without any usable
tracebacks. I would like to give more information, but it really is
very complex when you go a little deeper and would probably not be
useful. I'll try to describe it a little better anyway:

I have an Object that offers an interface for dispatching methods. It
does so by deciding wether the method's object is on the local server
or not, and depending on that, calls it via XML-RPC or via the ZOPE
context (self). A remote ZOPE server cannot be part of a ZEO backend
because there need to be several (hundred) self sustained servers that
can act on their own when the connection to the others fails (which is
likely rather than possible).

But, as I just realised - in an internet context, isn't it possible
that something like this could happen without even being part of a

One ZOPE server's object, say, "LibraryManager", calls an object in
another ZOPE server, say "UniversityLibrary", via XML-RPC (because it
doesn't even know it's ZOPE). It asks it for a book. The University
Library doesn't have it, but it has a service that looks in all the
libraries it knows and returns any found occurences. Thus, at some
point during that call, it asks the first server's LibraryManager
about the book - again, not even knowing that it is a ZOPE server, via

Should this work, and where does it differ from what I'm doing?

> > The problem is that it isn't my design, and the design is part of a
> > contract. I can't really do anything about that (the major problem is
> > that there will be SOAP components that might even need to be
> > transparently integrated - which completely excludes ZEO).
> Why do you think that?  ZEO is simply a single point of persistence for
> a group of Zope Application Servers.

But what if I don't know which components are ZOPE, and components can
be transparently exchanged?

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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-12 Thread Chris Withers

Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:

The problem is that it isn't my design, and the design is part of a
contract. I can't really do anything about that (the major problem is
that there will be SOAP components that might even need to be
transparently integrated - which completely excludes ZEO). 

That depends on your thinking...

I tried
doing my own commits, but it doesn't work, it just bombs earlier (no
matter where I do them). 

You;re not giving us a lot of info here, but I think you need to read 
the code in lib/python/ZPublisher in depth if you really need to play at 
this level...

I really don't know why, my only guess is
that something about the transaction management breaks terribly when
you go back and forth between objects without them being able to track
it. Only I cannot figure out what.

Well, you could start by showing us the errors you're getting...

It is not possible to do _really_ explicit transaction management with
ZODB, is it?

Of course it is. But you're talking about Zope here, not ZODB. Zope 
manages transactions so users don't often have to worry about them. If 
you want to manage transactions within Zope, the nyou have to understadn 
and co-operate with the transaction management that Zope does...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-12 Thread Jan-Ole Esleben
The problem is that it isn't my design, and the design is part of a
contract. I can't really do anything about that (the major problem is
that there will be SOAP components that might even need to be
transparently integrated - which completely excludes ZEO). I tried
doing my own commits, but it doesn't work, it just bombs earlier (no
matter where I do them). I really don't know why, my only guess is
that something about the transaction management breaks terribly when
you go back and forth between objects without them being able to track
it. Only I cannot figure out what.

It is not possible to do _really_ explicit transaction management with
ZODB, is it?


2005/12/12, Alan Milligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
> > OK, the following is the case:
> >
> > The setup is for functions dispatching either locally or via XML-RPC.
> > At the moment, the mechanism I use is to detect locality is flawed and
> > thus doesn't work well. So I have local XML-RPC calls where I could
> > have global ones. But.
> >
> > 1. I need that possibility for testing the XML-RPC setup. I cannot set
> > up multiple instances for every cheap test. At least I shouldn't have
> > to. The very important reason, however, is:
> > 2. This is a generic call dispatcher. It is used, for example, for
> > object name resolution in a widely deployed system. So, what could
> > happen and couldn't happen locally is this:
> Zope isn't CORBA.  ZEO is the correct way to scale/cluster Zope's.
> >
> > 1. Server1 dispatcher calls, via XML-RPC, Server2.
> > 2. Server2 dispatcher calls Server1, which does something locally
> > (same communication management object as the dispatcher, maybe another
> > local call) and then returns
> >
> > This is the same problem spread out over two servers, where locality
> > isn't possible anymore. The call from Server1 to Server2 must be made
> > via XML-RPC and I cannot exclude Server2 calling Server1 back.
> If you really must architect your solution this way, then you are going
> to have to do your own transaction management.  Your 'local' calls need
> to do explicit commit() calls and you're going to have to reread
> 'tainted' objects.
> Again, it will take you half an hour to modify your design instead of
> half a year to get all the bugs out of your implementation.
> Alan
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> 5PBuLd5sJgh7QZe1ey8lZ9g=
> =3TrG
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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-11 Thread Jan-Ole Esleben
OK, the following is the case:

The setup is for functions dispatching either locally or via XML-RPC.
At the moment, the mechanism I use is to detect locality is flawed and
thus doesn't work well. So I have local XML-RPC calls where I could
have global ones. But.

1. I need that possibility for testing the XML-RPC setup. I cannot set
up multiple instances for every cheap test. At least I shouldn't have
to. The very important reason, however, is:
2. This is a generic call dispatcher. It is used, for example, for
object name resolution in a widely deployed system. So, what could
happen and couldn't happen locally is this:

1. Server1 dispatcher calls, via XML-RPC, Server2.
2. Server2 dispatcher calls Server1, which does something locally
(same communication management object as the dispatcher, maybe another
local call) and then returns

This is the same problem spread out over two servers, where locality
isn't possible anymore. The call from Server1 to Server2 must be made
via XML-RPC and I cannot exclude Server2 calling Server1 back.

Does this make it a little more of a real problem?


2005/12/12, Alan Milligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jan-Ole Esleben wrote:
> >>It really *is* in your interests to ensure a single request completes
> >>all your functional requirements ;)
> >
> >
> > That's not possible unfortunately. The design of the system is rather
> > complex, and unalterable in this respect. However, it is not true that
> > it is usually possible to fulfil this requirement. What of programs
> > running on an operating system that call other programs via that
> > operating system?
> >
> I don't believe you.
> You have a client application calling your Zope server's  bla()
> function.  It can do this either by HTTP or XML-RPC by choosing the
> appropriate Content-Type.
> You've chosen to implement this interface by making other XML-RPC calls
> to the same server to complete the task.  This is both unnecessary and
> bad.  Unnecessary because you're doing an RPC when you've got all you
> need in local memory.  This is bad because you're introducing the
> additional overhead of setting up said RPC.  Worse, you're now
> responsible for your own transaction management because you've split the
> task across multiple ZODB connections.
> You need to think about the *correct* way to write your bla() function.
>  In doing this, you want to be able to take advantage of the automatic
> rollback facilities of Zope by keeping all of this in one transaction,
> which will also avoid your initial problem of conflict errors.
> Alan
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> iD8DBQFDnNZcCfroLk4EZpkRArTDAJ96TGwDy047D09jkmRNbGyD7e+3QgCg0aNZ
> lLo0znXi4qvXr5j4SseH2k8=
> =hu4V
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Re: [Zope] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-11 Thread Jan-Ole Esleben
> It really *is* in your interests to ensure a single request completes
> all your functional requirements ;)

That's not possible unfortunately. The design of the system is rather
complex, and unalterable in this respect. However, it is not true that
it is usually possible to fulfil this requirement. What of programs
running on an operating system that call other programs via that
operating system?

Given that that is a requirement that needs to be met, do I have any options?

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[Zope] XML-RPC within ZOPE

2005-12-11 Thread Jan-Ole Esleben

Is it at all impossible to use XML-RPC _within_ a ZOPE architecture?

What I mean is:
I have a nested call structure:

1. Python script calls a method from a ZODB object
2. That method calls a Python module function
3. That module function dispatches an XML-RPC call to the same ZODB
object called in step 1
4. This last call, which is rather complex, returns, and all the calls
leading up to it return, sometimes doing some minor work

When I use the same code _without_ any XML-RPC (the Zope server's self
instead of the XML-RPC server object for that server), it works just
fine. When I use XML-RPC, I get a ConflictError during the final
return (from step 1), and I get it if I commit manually beforehand, so
it must be the commit triggering it.

The tricky thing is: nothing in my ZODB changes. I have several
mutable _arguments_ that are passed on, but they are not default
arguments and they don't get written to the ZODB.

Is what I'm trying to do impossible for some reason? Or can I just
make the whole call take place outside any transactions?

Thanks in advance for any pointers, I'm really a little desparate at this point.
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