Hi Tres. Seasons greetings. This is very helpful. I hoping to use this to fire up a customized server I have made from cherrypy for an app.

On another note, I read Zope was getting out of the server business. What will this mean for the future of Zope2 branch? My understanding is that Zope will eventually use twisted wsgi server. Will Zope2 be going this direction as well or will this be a dead end with ZServer?


Tres Seaver wrote:
Hash: SHA1

David Pratt wrote:

Hi I am looking at light wsgi servers to serve an app but want it to be
started from command line and have the thread spun off so it stays
running (instead of tying up a terminal until a interrupt is given).

I was thinking that perhaps ZDaemon could do this since perhaps I could
also get logging as as well and I would not have to potentially write
the threading code. If this is reasonable, can someone give me a basic
outline for doing this. I am interested in running the wsgiserver
locally. Many thanks. Regards,

I have successfully used zdaemon to run non-Zope / non-Python processes
as daemons, e.g., to run spread.

Look at how the code in $ZOPE_HOME/lib/python/ZEO, in particular
'zeoctl.py' and 'zeoctl.xml', which sets up the storage server using
"stock" zdaemon and a little extra config.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 202-558-7113          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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