The following is my DTML code, purposely to valid the entry field and return the right sql Searching method according to the situation:-
<dtml-if "_['<dtml-var custname>']!=""" AND "_['<dtml-var custid>']==""">
      <dtml-in sqlSearchcust3>
  #// if the custid is blank and cust
name is not blank then will use sqlSearch3
<dtml-elif "_['<dtml-var custid>']!=""" AND "_['<dtml-var custname>']==""">
       <dtml-in sqlSearchcust2>
  #// if the custid is not blank and custname is blank then will use sqlSearch2
<dtml-elif "_['<dtml-var custid>']==""" AND "_['<dtml-var custname>']==""">          
       <dtml-in sqlSearchcust>
  #// if the custname is not blank and custid is not blank then will use sqlSearch
       <dtml-var expr="REQUEST['/Customer/View/searchallcust']">
  #// if the custname is blank and custid is blank then will go to view a list of customer record.
The following is the ZOPE error:-
Unexpected tag, for tag <dtml-elif "_['<dtml-var custid>']==""" AND "_['<dtml-var custname>']!=""">, on line 9 of a
For my sql method syntax are as follow:-
   select *
from customer
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
   <dtml-sqltest custid op=ne type=string>
 <dtml-sqltest custname op=like'%%' type=string>
2. sqlSearchcust2
select *
from customer
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
   <dtml-sqltest custid op=eq type=string>
 <dtml-sqltest custname op=ne type=string>
3. sqlSearchcust
select *
from customer
<dtml-sqlgroup where>
   <dtml-sqltest custid op=eq type=string>
 <dtml-sqltest custname op=like'%%' type=string>
This is urgent! Please give me some solution, Thanks!

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