Hi there,
i have a bit of a problem with the dtml-tree tag.
I have a folder structure like this (excuse bad ASCII art)
                                                            ---item 1
                                                            ---item 2
Now, i want to have dtml-trees built for each section (Software, Hardware etc.) and have them display in the index_html method of those folders. i.e. in the index_html method of 'Software', i want a tree that looks like this:
           +item 1
           +item 2
When i put this code into the index_html method of the software folder:
<dtml-var id>
I get nothing. No output, no errors, absolutely friggin nothing.
When i put identical code into the index_html method of the Main_Sections folder, i get exactly what i would expect to see, i.e.
What is going on here? Surely this *should* work!?
Thanks for any help

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