Hi all,

on behalf of Zope Corporation and the Zope community I am pleased to announce the release of Zope 2.9.1.

You can download  it from


Some new features of Zope 2.9:

 - ZODB 3.6

 - Five 1.2

 - integration for Zope 3 events for object creation and deletion

 - Zope 3 i18n integration for page templates

For more information on what is new in this release, see the
CHANGES.txt files for the release:


Please bring all the bugs you have found to the Zope bugtracker:


For more information on the available Zope releases, guidance for selecting
the right distribution and installation instructions, please see:


Support Python versions:

 Zope 2.9 requires Python 2.4.2 (Python 2.4.1 is still acceptable).
 Older Python versions are no longer supported.

Thanks to all being involved in this release.

Andreas Jung    (andreas at zopyx dot com)

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