[Zope-Annce] Issue Dealer 0.9.75 released

2005-06-10 Thread Morten W. Petersen
Issue Dealer (http://www.nidelven-it.no/products/issue_dealer) is a
issue management tool featuring a weblog publisher (client), weblog
(server), WebDAV client, WYSIWYG editing of HTML and Images and more.

This announcement covers the last 3 releases, which were mostly minor
tweaks and two major new features, the ability to add files, and the
ability to customize weblog templates.

Changes since the last announcement:


  - Fixed bug where TypeError would be raised in local weblog
publisher on direct issue publishing
  - Added ability to upload files


  - Added option to delete catalog
  - Cleaned up text files
  - Added info on how to handle problems


  - Cleaned up weblog code
  - Refactored weblog templates for easier customization, enabled easy
access to all weblog templates through the browser

If you're interested in trying a demo, sign up at the demo site
(http://demos.issue-dealer.net). To see the Issue Dealer Weblog Server
in action, have a look at The Blogologue (http://www.blogologue.com).   :)

Nidelven IT (http://www.nidelven-it.no) and others use the product to
manage their knowledge and action items, it's a great tool to keep track
issues in different departments for example. Try it!   ;)

fn:Morten Petersen
org:Nidelven IT
adr:;;Postboks 923;Trondheim;;7409;Norway
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Project Manager
tel;work:+47 45 44 00 69
tel;cell:+47 45 44 00 69

Zope-Announce maillist  -  Zope-Announce@zope.org

  Zope-Announce for Announcements only - no discussions

(Related lists - 
 Users: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
 Developers: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

[Zope-Annce] ZODB 3.4 final released

2005-06-10 Thread Tim Peters
I'm pleased to announce the release of ZODB 3.4 final.  This corresponds to
the ZODB that will ship in Zope 2.8.  You can download a source tarball or
Windows installer from:


Note that there are two Windows installers, for Python 2.3 (2.3.5 is
recommended) and Python 2.4 (2.4.1 is recommended).

Only minor changes were made since ZODB 3.4b1.  See the news file for


Note that ZODB 3.4 does not support any version of Zope 2.6 or 2.7.  Current
Zope 2.8 and Zope 3 development use ZODB 3.4.  The ZODB 3.3 line is
officially retired (3.3.1 final was the last release in the 3.3 line).

Zope-Announce maillist  -  Zope-Announce@zope.org

  Zope-Announce for Announcements only - no discussions

(Related lists - 
 Users: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
 Developers: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )