I am pleased to announce the first release of

                SmartPrintNG 0.1.0.

SmartPrintNG can convert the 'content' view of Plone documents into different formats:

   * PDF
   * RTF
   * ODT
   * WML
   * DOCX

In addition SmartPrintNG provides a configurable pre- and post-processing pipline in order to give you full control over the conversion process. SmartPrintNG comes with filters to remove images, remove links or generate a link list at the end of the document, support for breaking a document into pages (e.g. for presentation handouts) and much more.

To control the look & feel of the generated document you can configure custom templates and custom style-sheets.


   * Zope 2.10.4
   * Plone 3.0
   * XFC converter (XMLMind)
   * XINC converter (Lunasil)
   * zopyx.convert V 0.4.5 for higher
   * Java 1.5 or higher

Project homepage and download:


Andreas Jung

ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG - Charlottenstr. 37/1 - 72070 Tübingen - Germany
Web: www.zopyx.com - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Phone +49 - 7071 - 793376
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, Handelsregister A 381535
Geschäftsführer/Gesellschafter: ZOPYX Limited, Birmingham, UK
E-Publishing, Python, Zope & Plone development, Consulting

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