Log message for revision 66187:
  report changes for this branch

  U   Products.Five/branches/philikon-fix-lookup-priorities/CHANGES.txt

Modified: Products.Five/branches/philikon-fix-lookup-priorities/CHANGES.txt
--- Products.Five/branches/philikon-fix-lookup-priorities/CHANGES.txt   
2006-03-26 20:09:06 UTC (rev 66186)
+++ Products.Five/branches/philikon-fix-lookup-priorities/CHANGES.txt   
2006-03-26 20:09:42 UTC (rev 66187)
@@ -4,7 +4,20 @@
 Five 1.3.3 (unreleased)
+* Fixed look-up order during Five traversal.  It is now as follows:
+  1. If an object has __bobo_traverse__, use it.
+  2. Otherwise do attribute look-up or, if that doesn't work, key item
+     lookup.
+  3. If neither __bobo_traverse__ nor attribute/key look-up work, it
+     tries to find a Zope 3-style view.
 * A local utility registered with an derived interface will now be available
   by the inherited interface as well, in the same way as Zope3.

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