Re: [Zope-CMF] [dev] RFC: rethinking GenericSetup extension profiles

2006-07-25 Thread Martin Aspeli

yuppie-2 wrote:
 GenericSetup uses a completely different approach than 
 CMFQuickInstaller. It is focused on states, not on changes.

Indeed. From having used it recently, it just seems to be an easier way of
working, so I'm trying to find out how we can meet the use cases that CMFQI
meets now based on this technology - if at all.

 The early versions of GenericSetup (FKA CMFSetup) didn't even have 
 extension profiles and importVarious handlers. I invented those hacks to 
 give GenericSetup more momentum, but especially importVarious was never 
 meant as a permanent solution. The GenericSetup UI is counter-intuitive 
 because it was built for complete profiles/snapshots. importVarious is 
 dangerous because it is a hack.

That was my feeling too. I can see that it will be a necessary hack, though,
until we've covered everyhing anyone ever wanted to do with some
import/export handler.

I know that so far GenericSetup can't replace CMFQuickInstaller. But the 
fact people are missing CMFQuickInstaller functionality doesn't mean it 
has to be implemented following the old patterns.

No, definitely. What I was trying to get back to was the original use cases
for CMFQI - people download some product, want to try it out, install it,
decide they don't like it, uninstall it, or re-install it for an upgrade, or
leave it in place.

Incidentally, one of the biggest problem peoplems people have with Plone is
that they configure a site a certain way (including third party products)
and then want to deploy that to a production server, leaving content intact.
GS is obviously the answer to that, so I'm keen on trying to promote third
party products that integrate with it as well as possible.

 Install/uninstall code for CMFQuickInstaller is hard to write, usually 
 only add-on programmers do that. Just replacing python code by XML-files 
 will not make it much easier.

But 90% of what we do in an installer is boilerplate - add a workflow,
register a new content type, install a skin - all stuff that's done easier
with GS than with python APIs.

 And now regarding your concerns:
 - I don't think we should use the same machinery for configuration data 
 and content. (I know the distinction is fuzzy, but the big mass is pure 
 content.) AFAICS it is not very hard to specify areas that contain 
 content and should not be touched if profiles are reapplied.


 - The procedure I have in mind depends on the ability to create 
 customization snapshots. As a first step the setup tool would create 
 this snapshot. In the next step it would combine all dependencies of 
 that snapshot minus uninstalled extensions plus new extensions. The 
 result is a profile that contains the latest data of all selected 
 profiles plus the customizations from the snapshot. This profile would 
 be used to reset the site.

Bearing in mind that my understanding is not completely solid, the option I
keep thinking we need is to say run all import steps, but only for this one
extension profile. I have a workflows.xml and a types.xml and whatever else
in my extension profile for my product. I'd like to uninstall or re-install
or install workflows and types *for my product*, but I'm not interested in
evaluating every workflows.xml and types.xml in every active profile
everywhere (e.g. those that came with Plone or CMF or some other product),
lest they'd changed or I'd changed them and didn't want my changes stomped
on. Even though the actual import step is defined in another product (e.g.
CMFCore) I assume it'd be possible to simply not include steps for other

 - Speed is not that important. It doesn't hurt if it takes a few seconds 
 until a profile is installed or uninstalled. There are a few very 
 expensive tasks like creating indexes. The handler can make sure indexes 
 are not removed if the new profile needs the same index.

Probably true. On we've had cases where things result in reindexes
that take 45 minutes or more to reindex, causing Squid timeouts and other
nastiness. We just to be a bit careful, I guess.

 - I don't know if we really need a way to reset specific products. 
 AFAICT the more common use case is to reset specific objects like tools. 
 I'd prefer a tab on the object that allows to load preconfigured 
 settings instead of using the setup tool for that.

This doesn't resonate with my experience from Plone, if I'm understanding
you correctly. I agree that some way of resetting individual tools may be
useful, but that's still very low level. If Joe Average downloads
CMFCrazyPollingProduct, he may install it, and need to un-install it
cleanly. He may also need to re-set it if he messed up its configuration or
maybe he's the developer and wants to test the effects of a clean
re-install. Or, if the product is updated, he may need to re-run its

 - While I hope we can get rid of importVarious it would be less 
 dangerous to use if only complete profiles are 

Re: [Zope-CMF] [dev] RFC: rethinking GenericSetup extension profiles

2006-07-25 Thread Martin Aspeli

The concept of import steps is confusing because it was invented before 
extension profile support was added. Originally an import step 
represented a piece of the profile. The handler property just provided 
the information which handler to use for this piece of the profile. That 
did no longer work with extension profiles. Now an import step just 
registers an handler.

Only the last selected profile is active. Normal import steps depend on 
configuration files and do nothing if the active profile does not 
contain related files. importVarious steps have to simulate that 
behavior by testing if they are already applied. If the import handlers 
follow those rules (CMF handlers do) only the profile *for your product* 
is applied. Running all steps just means that all handlers try to find 
related files in the active profile and apply them *if* they exist.

So your example should work right now. My proposal would mean that 
everything is reset, but without loosing customizations. So while the 
procedure would be much more expensive the result should be similar.

Aha - so it seems was confused :) So, to be clear, run all import steps
will only apply to the last selected active profile, even if that's an

I guess we'd need to switch active profiles around from time to time, e.g.
if we were selecting a profile for un-install or re-install.

The point of not losting customisations is really important. However, I'd
also like to have a way to force the profile application to override
customisations, when you explicitly want a clean install. 

 Or, if the product is updated, he may need to re-run its
 Do you mean you want to switch to the latest version of a specific 
 profile but not of all profiles?

I guess. Even if that isn't too sensible, it may be necessary for example to
control the order in which updates happen.

 It's still a hack. But I think we should focus on making writing 
 handlers easier instead on making it easier to work around writing 
 handlers. The changes I propose make it easier to write handlers. 
 Writing handlers for PropertyManagers is already quite easy and generic 
 support for Zope 3 schemas could be added.

+1, so long as we acknowledge that sometimes it may be necessary to write
some custom python code ala importVarious, if only due to time constraints.
Writing a generic parser must always be harder than writing a line of code
to configure something. :)

 Perhaps its FUD, but essentially re-creating a site each time you do an
 incremental update (e.g. install a new product) seems really risky to me.
 bad product install can sometimes mess up that product - if you started
 getting strange exceptions (and GS exceptions aren't always that easy to
 debug, I've found) from somewhere deep within an unrelated product, that
 could be pretty scary too.
 I don't share those concerns. I'm more concerned about artifacts left 
 behind by imperfect uninstall routines.

I have those concerns too ;)

Thanks for the update. So long as we keep the trying out a new product use
case in mind and focus on making it as easy to make import handlers, I think
we're very much on the same page.

By the way - two other things I brought up in the post to plone-dev was:

 - We need some way of exposing to the user the *version* of the profile
being applied, i.e. the version of the product. You have Foo version 1.0
installed, but version 2.0 on the filesystem. Do you want to upgrade?

 - We need some way of expressing dependencies between profiles, so that
installing Foo also installs Bar. It should be possible to do optional
dependencies, too, so that Foo installs Bar if Bar is available, but doesn't
fail if it's not.

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