Am 08.02.2008 um 15:17 schrieb Tres Seaver:

A baseline profile is registered as providing a different interface:


The best way to get such a beast is to export the "all steps" tarball
from a working site and unpack in in your profiles directory.

Yes, but I needed to get my hands dirty on this so that I understand things better.

as I get the following  error when I try and look at the site:

"You have not created any users in this Zope instance. In order to log
in and manage this Zope instance, you'll need to add an adminstrative
user account"

NB. this is only for this site - the Zope Instance is fine as are any
sites based on CMFDefault. Apart from the Members folder created by
the script I can't see any difference between the two
sites and there profiles although there obviously is.

I can't discern from here what would cause that.

This was because there was absolutely no index_html defined for the site! Currently experimenting with using CMFDefault and overwriting stuff as usual.

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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