Hi! Thanks for the reply. I customized login_initial before I came across createMemberDefault. Which one is preferred? It has been a long time so it isn't clear to me from what I read how (and/or where?) you put createMemberDefault. Is it a dtml method? If so, where should it reside?

Instead I customized login_initial to the following which doesn't work so well because the new id has to be a Manager to work:

if context.validate_email:
# Copy the default tree into their user space.
portal_properties = context.portal_properties
portal_registration = context.portal_registration

default_user = 'default_doc' #name of member folder where your default user docs are kept.

# username = context.REQUEST.username


uf = container.portal_membership.getHomeFolder(username)

#give the roles in the list the permission to Add Documents, etc... for that folder.
#listofroles = ['Member', 'Owner','Manager']

#I don't quite understand why the script runs proxy as manager, yet one still must give anonymous the following permissions?
listofroles = ['Anonymous']
uf.manage_permission('Add Documents, Images, and Files', listofroles, acquire=1)
uf.manage_permission('Add portal content', listofroles, acquire=1)
uf.manage_permission('Delete objects', listofroles, acquire=1)

user_defaults = container.portal_membership.getHomeFolder(default_user)

#obs = container.user_defaults.manage_copyObjects(container.user_defaults.objectIds())
obs = user_defaults.manage_copyObjects(user_defaults.objectIds())


return state

On Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:32:25 +0100
 Raphael Ritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ignacio Valdes wrote:
Hello all,

It has been years since I've last developed in CMF 1.0 for Linux Medical News http://www.linuxmednews.com project database. I'm back, this time working on a new web application for a research project on clinical outcomes using Plone 2.1.1

I would like to copy the contents of folder 'default' at home/members/webmaster's home/default the first time a new member logs in. I've looked around on Zopelabs and found this: http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/1042820556

I plan on customizing portal_skins/plone_login/login_initial but am not sure how exactly to code this since I've done miniscule amounts of Python. Please give me a nudge in the right direction.

You might want to consider using the hooks provided
by the MembershipTool for that. In Plone - I think -
it is still 'notifyMemberAreaCreated' while in
CMFDefault it is 'createMemberContent'.

But a Python script with this id in one of your
skin folders and do whatever content creation/customization
you see fit.



-- IV
Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

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