Op 26-12-11 23:56, Maurits van Rees schreef:

The problem

The toolset registry of portal_setup can get out of touch with reality:
a product may have installed a tool a while ago and made it required,
but meanwhile the product author has unthinkingly renamed the class or
module of the tool; or the product has been removed from the buildout
without being uninstalled; or the uninstall does not take care of
cleaning up the required tools from the registry.

Now the admin of this website installs a second product which is totally
unrelated. It has its own required tool, which it registers in
toolset.xml. On install, the admin gets a traceback:

Module Products.GenericSetup.tool, line 123, in importToolset
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

This is because the tool of the first product is still in the required
tools list. The admin does not understand this and files a bug report
for the second product as it cannot be installed. Sample bug reports are


And a thread on how to fix it when it has already gone wrong:

The proposal

I propose to not break in this case, but give a warning and continue
with the next tool, much like was already done for missing import steps.

This should lower the number of sites where installs of new products
fail for a reason that has nothing to do with that product. It should
consequently also bring down the number of misdirected support requests.

Downside could be that when you are developing a new product and make a
typo in the class name in toolset.xml it does not break anymore but only
print a warning message that may be easily overlooked.

I would say the benefit outweighs the downside.

The code

Currently the code in Products/GenericSetup/tool.py starts like this:

for info in toolset.listRequiredToolInfo():
tool_id = str(info['id'])
tool_class = _resolveDottedName(info['class'])
if tool_class is None:
logger.info('Class %(class)s not found for '
'tool %(id)s' % info)
# code that may break when tool_class is None

The code that is executed in the 'tool_class is None' condition should

logger.warning("Not creating required tool %(id)s, because "
"class %(class)s is not found." % info)

Tests on CMF trunk and CMF 2.2 pass with this.

Would this change be acceptable on trunk and branch 1.6?

Now committed on trunk and branch 1.6.

Maurits van Rees   http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
"Logical thinking shows conclusively that logical thinking
is inconclusive." - My summary of Gödel, Escher, Bach

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@zope.org

See https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope-cmf/ for bug reports and feature requests

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