
Charlie Clark wrote:
> * apparently the "absolut" skin can cause problems with used in
> combination with profiles. Yuppie, do you have any more information on
> this?

Not sure what you mean. I had some problems getting rid of oldstyle 
skins completely (including main_template), but that is not what the the 
"absolut" skin does. I gave up after a short try, so I can't provide any 
further details.

> * the views only profile is no longer experimental. I would like to be
> able to make this a base profile (with the "absolut" skin) but have hit
> problems with CMFCalendar requiring the standard CMFDefault skin

-1 for adding a second base profile

We can do the same as in CMFCalendar: Use views in the default profile 
and provide an extension profile for people who want to switch back to 
oldstyle skins.

I propose to do this step by step. We have views with different levels 
of maturity: Some exist for a while and are battle proofed. Others are 
new without any real world testing. Each view should be reviewed if it 
is ready for becoming default.

> In Berlin we decided against a beta but I would actually like to test my
> existing sites against a new version, so a beta would probably be a good
> idea.

I'm fine with a beta *if* that brings additional testing and feedback 
before the final release.


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