Ape 1.0 is set to store in postgresql 7.4.6. Things seem work fine until I go to add a Plone Site in the ZMI. The following error shows up in the main html frame:

Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: UnmanagedJar instance has no attribute 'exportFile'

and the following in $INSTANCEROOT/log (snipped out all the "upgrading" messages)

2006-01-24T16:12:31 INFO(0) Plone
Upgrade to: 2.0.5, completed
2006-01-24T16:12:31 INFO(0) Plone
Attempting to upgrade from: 2.0.5
2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
Upgrade aborted
2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
Error type: exceptions.AttributeError
2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
Error value: UnmanagedJar instance has no attribute 'exportFile'
2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/var/zope-2.7.8/Products/CMFPlone/MigrationTool.py", line 274, in upgrade
    newv, msgs = self._upgrade(newv)

2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/var/zope-2.7.8/Products/CMFPlone/MigrationTool.py", line 371, in _upgrade
    res = function(self.aq_parent)

2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/var/zope-2.7.8/Products/CMFPlone/migrations/v2_1/alphas.py", line 29, in two05_alpha1
    convertPloneFTIToCMFDynamicViewFTI(portal, out)

2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/var/zope-2.7.8/Products/CMFPlone/migrations/v2_1/alphas.py", line 1264, in convertPloneFTIToCMF
    migrateFTI(portal, 'Plone Site', name, fti_meta_type)

2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/var/zope-2.7.8/Products/CMFDynamicViewFTI/migrate.py", line 41, in migrateFTI

2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/var/zope-2.7.8/Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zope2/setup/patches.py", line 29, in _getCopy
    return self._real_getCopy(container)

2006-01-24T16:12:31 ERROR(200) Plone
File "/usr/local/zope-2.7.8/lib/python/OFS/CopySupport.py", line 458, in _getCopy

Is there some zope add on product that offers 'exportFile'? Or is it just no implemented in Ape?

Jeff Macfarland ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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